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A wrapper for RxJava abstracts away all those nasty details you don't really care about in most requests and provides default configurations for schedulers, loading indicators, and error handling.

Using RxRequester you can:

  • Make clean RxJava requests.
  • Inline & Global error handling.
  • Toggle loading indicators easily.

Before RxRequester

                .doOnSubscribe { showLoading() }
                .doOnNext { hideLoading() }
                .subscribe( {

                }, { error ->


After RxRequester

requester.request { restaurantsRepo.all() }.subscribe { }


allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

dependencies {
        implementation 'com.github.ShabanKamell:RxRequester:x.y.z'

(Please replace x, y and z with the latest version numbers: )


val presentable = object: Presentable {
    override fun showError(error: String) { .. }
    override fun showError(error: Int) { .. }
    override fun showLoading() { .. }
    override fun hideLoading() { .. }
    override fun onHandleErrorFailed(throwable: Throwable) { .. }

RxRequester.create(presentable) {
  resumableHandlers = listOf(TokenExpiredHandler())
  httpHandlers = listOf(ServerErrorHandler())
  throwableHandlers = listOf(IoExceptionHandler(), NoSuchElementHandler(), OutOfMemoryErrorHandler())
  serverErrorContract =

// Or provide error handlers this way:
 RxRequester.resumableHandlers = listOf(TokenExpiredHandler())
 RxRequester.httpHandlers =      listOf(ServerErrorHandler())
 RxRequester.throwableHandlers = listOf(OutOfMemoryErrorHandler())

Error Handling

There're 3 types of error handlers in the library

1- Resumable Handler

There're cases where you want to handle the error and resume the current request as normal. Resumable handler provides the easiest solution for this problem! Imagine you received 401 token expired error and you want to refresh the token then resume the original request. This can be done as easy as like this!

class TokenExpiredHandler: ResumableHandler() {
     // check if the error code is 401
    override fun canHandle(info: ThrowableInfo): Boolean {
        return (throwable as? HttpException)?.errorCode() == 401
    // retrun the API that refreshes the token
    override fun handle(throwable: Throwable, presentable: Presentable): Flowable<Any> {
        return info.requester.request{ ServiceApi.refreshToken() }

Of course you can apply this for any error you want.

2- Retrofit Http Handler

Handles Retrofit's HttpException

class ServerErrorHandler: HttpExceptionHandler() {

    override fun supportedErrors(): List<Int> {
        return listOf(500)

    override fun handle(throwable: Throwable, presentable: Presentable, errorCode: Int, errorBody: String) {

3- Throwable Handler

handles generic Throwables

class OutOfMemoryErrorHandler: ThrowableHandler<OutOfMemoryError>() {

    override fun supportedErrors(): List<Class<OutOfMemoryError>> {
        return listOf(

    override fun handle(throwable: Throwable, presentable: Presentable) {

Error Handlers Priority

The library handles errors according to this priority

1- Resumable Handlers
2- HTTP Handlers
3- Throwable Handlers

The library first asks Resumable handlers to handle the error, if can't handle it will be passed to HTTP handlers, if can't handle, the error will be passed to Throwable hanldlers. If no handler can handle the error, it will be passed to Presentable.onHandleErrorFailed(Throwable)

Server Error Contract

RxRequester optionally parses server error for you and shows the error automatically. Just implement ErrorMessage interface in your server error model and return the error message.

data class ErrorContract(private val message: String): ErrorMessage {
    override fun errorMessage(): String {
        return message
// Pass the contract
val requester = RxRequester.create(, presentable)

Customizing Requests

RxRequester gives you the full controll over any request

  • Inline error handling
  • Enable/Disable loading indicators
  • Set subscribeOn Scheduler
  • Set observeOn Scheduler
 val requestInfo = RequestOptions.Builder()
         .inlineErrorHandling { false }

 requester.request(requestOptions) { dm.restaurantsRepo.all() }

Here're all request options and default values

Option Type Default
inlineHandling ((Throwable) -> Boolean)? null
showLoading Boolean true
subscribeOnScheduler Scheduler
observeOnScheduler Scheduler AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()

Best Practices

  • Setup RxRequester only once in BaseViewModel and reuse in the whole app.
  • Initialize error handlers only once. You can initialize then Application class as they are static properties.

Look at 'sample' module for the full code. For more advanced example, Restaurants Modular Architecture


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


Simple & Clean RxJava requester for Android






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