General information:
This is the computer vison ROS package used for the CoHoMa competion.
It contains two computer visions nodes which are:
- the detection and translation of QR code (qrc_detect.cpp)
- the detection of elements corresponding to a colorimetric invariant (trap_detector.cpp)
These two software bricks subscribe to a video stream and outputs the position of the detected elements.
The information returned by these two nodes are then sorted and concatenated into a single message by another node (qrc_manager.cpp). This message will then be collected by the human machine interface (Mirador) to display them on a map.
qrc_detect is using the pyZbar ( python library that implements function to automaticly detect a QR code or a bar code on an image. This node contains also some parsing to fit the informations extracted from the QR code to a specific ros message: StrategicPoint (qrc_data).
trap_detector uses open CV functions to identify points of interest (poi) corresponding to a colorimetric invariant whose thresholds have been defined before (in detect.launch). This node also returns a StrategicPoint message (poi_data)
qrc_manger subscribes to the strategic point messages of the two nodes above, sorts them to avoid duplicates and concatenates them into a single message sent to the human machine interface
img_pub is a node used for development that allows to publish a video stream from a usb camera
First you have to check is you have the GeographicLib library installed. If not, you can install it from sources with the tutorial on the website: using the "Installation using the autoconfigure tools"
Then you can clone the projet with the command:
git clone
Once the node has been cloned and compiled, you can change the topic names used and the HSV detection thresholds in the launchfile: cohoma_detection/launch/detect.launch
Once the parameters are set, the node can be launched with the command:
roslaunch cohoma_detection detect.launch
During the development phases, you can use the img_pub node to publish a video stream:
rosrun cohoma_detection