Implementation of CCS'2022 paper "Hidden in Plain Sight: Exploring Encrypted Channels in Android Apps"
- For inspiration only: This tool is not ready to use out of the box and requires some modification.
- It mainly requires modification of the file. Primarily, focus on the window and activity.
- There are no plans to maintain, develop, or provide support for this tool.
flame:/ # mkdir /data/crontab
flame:/ # echo '* * * * * svc wifi enable' >> /data/crontab/root
flame:/ # echo '* * * * * settings put global airplane_mode_on 0' >> /data/crontab/root
flame:/ # echo 'crond -b -c /data/crontab' > /data/adb/service.d/
flame:/ # chmod +x /data/adb/service.d/
settings put global captive_portal_mode 0
adb shell content insert --uri content://settings/system --bind name:s:accelerometer_rotation --bind value:i:0