This is a site for a seafood company Holy Mackerel. It allows users to create an account and leave reviews on products. An admin will be able to login and access reserved components of the site.
- Clone this repository
- From the project root directory, run the following commands:
- Note: seeding the database will remove all existing data and replace it.
bundle install rake db:create rake db:migrate rake db:seed rake db:test:prepare rails s
- You can then access the app in your web browser at
- To give an account admin privileges:
- In the project root run
rails c
- Then run:
User.find_by(email: "[account email address]").update(admin: true)
- The account will now have admin access to the app.
- In the project root run
Need landing page with information about company
X All users can view products and their detail pages
- X name
- X cost
- X guide
- X notes
- X reviews
- image
Authenticated users
- Can leave Reviews
- CRUD products
- Delete user reviews
Users can view products.
Users can add, view, edit, and remove their own product reviews.
Users can only view other users' reviews.
Users can log in using email and password.
Admin can add, view, edit, and remove products.
Administrators can delete user reviews for products.
Please contact with questions, comments, or issues.
- Ruby
- Rails
- Bootstrap
- Devise
Copyright (c) 2017 L. D. MacKrell
This software is licensed under the MIT license.