attrs is a powerful library helps you to write concise and correct classes. And marshmallow is a powerful framework to write serializer/deserializer and data validator for complex object.
is a glue layer to taking advantage from them.
A blog example:
import attr
import marshmallow
from attrsmallow import BaseModel, BaseSchema
class User(BaseModel):
id = attr.ib()
name = attr.ib()
class UserSchema(BaseSchema):
id = fields.Integer(required=True)
name = fields.String(required=True)
Model = User
User.Schema = UserSchema
class Post(BaseModel):
id = attr.ib()
title = attr.ib()
user = attr.ib()
class PostSchema(BaseSchema):
id = fields.Integer()
title = fields.String()
user = fields.Nested(UserSchema)
Model = Post
Post.Schema = PostSchema
post_data = dict(id=1, title="Hello World!", user=dict(id=1, name="Alice"))
post = Post.load(post_data)
is released on PyPI, so all you need is:
$ pip install attrsmallow
To upgrade to latest version:
$ pip install --upgrade attrsmallow