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Wrapper for cmark-gfm and some extra functionality to plug in logic before and after parsing Markdown/CommonMark


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omgfm is build on top of cmark-gfm. Aim is to make cmark-gfm's rendering options avaialble from python while maintining most of the speed benefit the shared C library provides.


  • CommonMark with GFM extensions. (see the spec with GFM additions)
  • Simple interface for converting CommonMark formated text to any of the suported formats. (HTML, XML, CommonMark, man, LaTeX)
  • gfm extensions enabled by default, posibility to disable any one or all of them if needed
  • a wrapper library for cmark-gfm.
  • Provides additional functionality to facilitate pre-processing input text before parsing or to process the parsed AST before rendering.


For simply converting a CommonMark formatted text document to HTML:

    >>> import omgfm
    >>> print(omgfm.to_html('# this is a level 1 heading'))
    <h1>this is a level 1 heading</h1>

for raw HTML blocks or inline HTML use the unsafe flag, cmark-gfm escapes raw html by default, omgfm has the same behavior.

    >>> omgfm.to_html('<div>text</div>') # default
    '<!-- raw HTML omitted -->\n'
    >>> omgfm.to_html('<div>text</div>', unsafe=True) # unsafe

Available renderers:

  • to_html
  • to_xml
  • to_latex
  • to_commonmark
  • to_man

Available options for renderers:

General (affects both parsing and rendering)

  • exclude_ext (list, optional) By default all the GFM extensions are enabled, you can pass a list of extensions to exclude. This can be any of the following:

    • 'autolink',
    • 'table',
    • 'strikethrough',
    • 'tagfilter'

Commonmark, Latex and Man only

  • width (int, optional): Specify wrap width. Defaults to 0 (nowrap) Affects rendering Commonmark, Latex and Man.

Options affecting rendering

  • source_pos (bool, optional): Include source index attribute. Default is False.
  • hard_breaks (bool, optional): Treat newlines as hard line breaks.
  • unsafe (bool, optional): Render raw HTML and unsafe links. By default, raw HTML is replaced by a placeholder HTML comment. Unsafe links are replaced by empty strings. Defaults to False.
  • no_breaks (bool, optional): Render soft line breaks as spaces

options affecting parsing

  • validate_utf8 (bool, optional): Replace invalid UTF-8 sequences with U+FFFD. Default is False.
  • smart (bool, optional): Use smart punctuation. (convert straight quotes to curly, --- to em dashes, -- to en dashes) Default is False.
  • github_pre_lang (bool, optional): Use GitHub-style <pre lang> for code blocks.
  • liberal_html_tag (bool, optional): Be liberal in interpreting inline HTML tags.
  • footnotes (bool, optional): Parse footnotes. Defaluts to False
  • strikethrough_double_tilde (bool, optional): Only parse strikethroughs if surrounded by exactly 2 tildes. Gives some compatibility with redcarpet. Defaults to False.
  • table_prefer_style_attributes (bool, optional): Use style attributes to align table cells instead of align attribute.
  • full_info_string (bool, optional): Include the remainder of the info string in code blocks in a separate attribute.

Advanced features

If you want to be able to perform pre processing on your source document before parsing or manipulate the parsed AST before rendering <....> provides some options.

The starting point to use this functionality is the CommonMark class.

from omgfm import CommonMark

The CommonMark class allows you to register a processor to run over the source text with CommonMark.register_text_processor this method accepts the name of the processor, the callable to use for processing.

Example using one of the built in pre-processors:

from omgfm import CommonMark
from omgfm.processors import ExtractMetadata

cm = CommonMark()
extact_metadata = ExtractMetadata()
cm.register_text_processor('metadata', extact_metadata)

ExtractMetadata, when used as above (the default) will look for a metadata header in the source text. The header should be delimited by at least 3 "-" on the first line of document and at least 3 "-" after the header. Each line should have a single ":" delimited key-value pair. Like this:

foo: bar
baz: fizz
rest of your document.

If we would combine the examples above:

>>> from omgfm import CommonMark
>>> from omgfm.processors import ExtractMetadata
>>> cm = CommonMark()
>>> extact_metadata = ExtractMetadata()
>>> cm.register_text_processor('metadata', extact_metadata)
>>> text = """
... ---
... foo: bar
... baz: fizz
... ------
... rest of your document.
... """
>>> doc, data = cm.to_html(text)
>>> print(doc)
<p>rest of your document.</p>

>>> print(data)
{'metadata': {'foo': ' bar', 'baz': ' fizz'}}
>>> data['metadata']
{'foo': ' bar', 'baz': ' fizz'}

CommonMark.to_html will always return a tuple (rendered document, data) If you registered a processor that collects data, any collected data will be available under the name you registered the processor under. In the example case data['metadata']. The same is true for CommonMark.to_xml, CommonMark.to_latex, CommonMark.to_man and CommonMark.to_commonmark

The ExtractMetadata class can be configured and modified, for more information see the documentation.


Documentation can be built with sphinx.

$ sphinx-build docs/ <where you put docs>


Wrapper for cmark-gfm and some extra functionality to plug in logic before and after parsing Markdown/CommonMark








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