- 我是一名实验经济学的爱好者,目前正在学习如何通过oTree工具完成实验设计
- 顶刊复刻是一种重要的学习方法,比如一些经济学实证研究者通过复刻顶刊代码进行Stata和计量的学习
- 对于实验经济学期刊论文也如此,通过顶刊复现,熟悉有关实验设计框架,练习oTree有关功能的实现
- 本次复刻的论文是 《Covenants before the swords: The limits to efficient cooperation in heterogeneous groups》,来自Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (JEBO) Volume 188, August 2021, Pages 307-321
- 原文摘要如下:
When agents derive heterogeneous benefits from cooperation, a tension between efficiency and equality often arises. This tension can impede agents’ ability to cooperate efficiently. We design a laboratory experiment, in which we investigate the capacity of communication and punishment, separately and jointly, to promote cooperation in such an environment. Our results reveal that cooperation and earnings are significantly greater when both communication and punishment (a sword) are possible than when only one is available. Both cooperation levels and earnings, however, still fall substantially below the maximum possible. The reason is that groups establish covenants, i.e. mutual contribution agreements, that tend to strike a compromise between efficiency and equality. The timing of communication is critical. A history of sanctioning substantially reduces the probability that groups subsequently establish a covenant. Overall, our findings indicate not only the benefits of early communication, but also some limits to efficient cooperation in heterogeneous groups
- 简单来说,这是一个在公共品博弈范式的基础上,添加了沟通和惩罚处理条件的实验。作者想要探究在存在异质性的群体中,交流和惩罚(单独或联合使用)对促进合作的效果。详细内容可以参考原文
- 在oTree复刻中,仍保留了原文实现的核心功能,包括角色划分、沟通、贡献分配、惩罚与反击,但为简便起见,在轮次、页面跳转等方面做了调整
- b站视频演示:oTree顶刊复刻-JEBO-剑前盟约