Putty key converter as c# class can read putty v2/v3 keys and convert it to keys suitable to use with .NET SSH modules such as Renci.SshNet
Powershell module was written as companion to Posh-SSH module
As well as Posh-SSH this module is for Windows PowerShell 5.1 or PowerShell 7.x., On Windows Server, version 1709 or older .Net Framework 4.8 or above is required for the proper loading of the module.
$cred = Get-Credential
$KeyString = Get-Content D:\Putty.ppk | ConvertFrom-PPK -AsPrivate -Password $cred.Password
New-SSHSession -ComputerName myserver -Credentials $cred -KeyString $KeyString
By default cmdlet now return passphrase protected key. It may be breaking change if the credentials used to convert the key do not match those used to connect.
- Konscious.Security.Cryptography.Argon2 used for ppk v3 decryption used as source in library, it modified to disable hardware acceleration to work without System.Numerics.Vectors which not available to netstandard2.0
- BCrypt.cs used in openssh key encryption, (c) 2006 Damien Miller djm@mindrot.org, (c) 2010 Ryan D. Emerle
- Back Conversion
- Non-ASCII Passwords under linux