If you make use of DarkRadiation
in a publication, please cite 1505.07459.
This code package generates the signature described in arXiv:1505.07459 (see e.g. Fig.1)
The output are full events in hepmc-format.
* MadGraph5
* HepMC2
* Pythia v.8.325 (too be linked with HepMC2 [ --with-hepmc2=.. ])
Note: The version requirement on Pythia8 is crucial, as there is a bug in all current versions of Pythia. This code package comes with a patch for version 8.325 that is fully backwards compatible.
1. Enter code directory
2. Set path to MadGraph5 and Pythia8 in 'paths.inc'
3. Execute 'pythia_patch.sh'
How to run:
1. Set model parameters in 'params.inc'
2. Execute 'run.sh'
3. A hepmc-event-file called 'events.hepmc' is generated in the code directory.