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MMichaelVdV committed Sep 22, 2021
1 parent beb8983 commit 523811e
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Showing 2 changed files with 296 additions and 14 deletions.
26 changes: 12 additions & 14 deletions src/polbarton.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ end
A single mixed-ploidy deme, most of the 'population
Single mixed-ploidy deme, most of the 'population
genetic' environment is implemented at this level (drift, selection,
mutation). OV: Viability matrix, a symmetric matrix that contains the viability
of offspring for each possible combination of gametes. Ug: Unreduced gamete
formation matrix, a matrix that contains the probability of unreduced gametes
formation rate matrix, a matrix that contains the probability of unreduced gamete formation
for each level of ploidy in the population.
- `K` : Carrying capacity
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,10 +120,6 @@ end
Two-dimensional habitat (matrix of connected demes).
- `σ` : Variance of dispersal
- `b` : Steepness of linear gradient
- `θ` : Phenotypic optimum in the central deme of the habitat
- `Dm` : Number of demes
@with_kw struct Habitat2D{D,T}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,13 +190,6 @@ expected_heterozygosity(H₀, t, N) = ((1.0-1.0/N)^t)*H₀


viability(a::Agent, b::Agent, d::deme)
function viability(a::Agent, b::Agent, d::AbstractDeme)
return d.OV[ploidy(a), ploidy(b)]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,10 +240,19 @@ function gametogenesis(a::Agent, d::AbstractDeme)
return Agent(a.loci[idx, :], a.d)

viability(a::Agent, b::Agent, d::deme)
After fusing of gametes, calculate the viability of resulting individual. For example the viability of
a triploid individual is by default set to 0, diploid and tetraploid individuals set to 1.
function viability(a::Agent, b::Agent, d::AbstractDeme)
return d.OV[ploidy(a), ploidy(b)]

Meiosis in a diploid.
UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Meiosis in a diploid.
- `c` : Recombination rate
function meiosis(a::Agent,c)
Expand Down
284 changes: 284 additions & 0 deletions tutorial.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
# v0.14.7

using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils

# ╔═╡ 1e540d75-0a9d-4bb2-85aa-02ea78f08766
using Parameters, Random, Distributions, Plots, StatsBase, PlutoUI, ColorSchemes, DataFrames, StatsPlots

# ╔═╡ 42a769f0-1bf8-11ec-2a76-e7cea7f2e77a
import PolyStab:randagent

# ╔═╡ 9fe6dd08-89c2-49c7-99ed-bf27e4a90242
md"##### Generating agents"

# ╔═╡ 111bd54b-d480-4c5e-9a92-aa6f38a2d074
md""" Generating a single agent:"""

# ╔═╡ ee0a9506-823f-449d-8bb9-7f864c8e73ae
randagent(p, α, n, k; d)
-n: number of loci
-k: ploidy l
-α: allelic effect size
-p: starting allele frequency
a = randagent(0.5, 0.1, 100, 2, d=1.)

# ╔═╡ 54ea2331-7430-48c6-b0b9-f82c4b80f3ff

# ╔═╡ 1c163c4d-d8dd-49a4-a07a-372abf74ef21
import PolyStab:trait

# ╔═╡ 3f95bac8-5c98-472f-b53d-f5f2ebe2e113

# ╔═╡ 2e17fd8e-f360-421e-ba35-8921c9807c47
md""" It is also possible to generate an array of agents:"""

# ╔═╡ 4d4f91c4-116e-45bd-aca5-a4e728026159
import PolyStab:randagent_p

# ╔═╡ de22de55-116d-41fd-8865-a9a0ae5be0c9
randagent_P(p, α, n, k, N; d)
-n: number of loci
-k: ploidy l
-α: allelic effect size
-p: starting allele frequency
-N: number of individuals
b = randagent_p(0.5, 0.1, 100, [0.,1.,0.,0.], 10, d=1.)

# ╔═╡ 7c3af315-31b4-40bb-af86-8a105f427b7c

# ╔═╡ 5e0aaf09-4453-4aea-b0f9-5f14b16200f5
md"""#### Generating a single mixed-ploidy deme"""

# ╔═╡ 870aab66-3e7a-4b47-917d-190a72f8e2de
import PolyStab:MixedPloidyDeme

# ╔═╡ 5d5393dd-bebe-4275-992b-7477a5c7834b
Single mixed-ploidy deme, most of the 'population
genetic' environment is implemented at this level (drift, selection,
mutation). OV: Viability matrix, a symmetric matrix that contains the viability
of offspring for each possible combination of gametes. Ug: Unreduced gamete
formation rate matrix, a matrix that contains the probability of unreduced gamete formation for each level of ploidy in the population.
- `K` : Carrying capacity
- `θ` : Environmental optimum
- `rm`: Growth rate per capita
- `Vs`: Variance of stabilizing selection
- `α` : Allelic effect size
- `μ` : Mutation rate
- `OV` : Offspring viability
- `UG` : Unreduced gamete probabilities
d_p1 = MixedPloidyDeme(agents = randagent_p(0.5, 0.2, 200, [1., 0., 0., 0.],10), OV = [1. 0. 0. 0. ; 0. 1. 0. 0. ; 0. 0. 0. 0. ; 0. 0. 0. 0.], UG = [1. 0. 0. 0. ; 1. 0. 0. 0. ; 0. 0. 0. 0. ; 0. 1. 0. 0.], θ = 20., Vs = 0.1)

# ╔═╡ 6b866b78-80d7-43b1-a4c5-33f6c7908a03

# ╔═╡ 1dc54ec2-f4d3-4237-8fb2-b331e0bf887f

# ╔═╡ 6e07be7d-8af6-4bf1-9591-f42ab3ea9db0

# ╔═╡ a24f94e4-c012-4c82-ba4c-93484d0a7263
md"""#### Simulating a single mixed-ploidy deme"""

# ╔═╡ e2ced766-0032-4cb2-b73c-fd1a086e0950
import PolyStab:evolving_selectiondeme

# ╔═╡ 7ac2f20c-db6a-4927-a76b-d7ded656adbc
evolving_selectiondeme(d::AbstractDeme, ngen)
Simulate a single deme with mixed ploidy, malthusian fitness and unreduced
gamete formation.
function evolving_selectiondeme(d::MixedPloidyDeme, ngen;
heterozygosities_p=heterozygosities_p, fit=malthusian_fitness, trait_mean = trait_mean, allelefreqs_p =
allelefreqs_p, pf = ploidy_freq, fta = f_trait_agents)
het = [heterozygosities_p(d)]
pop = [length(d)]
tm = [trait_mean(d)]
af = [allelefreqs_p(d)]
p2 = [ploidy_freq(d)[2]]
p3 = [ploidy_freq(d)[3]]
p4 = [ploidy_freq(d)[4]]
fta = [f_trait_agents(d)]
for n=1:ngen
d = mating_PnB_x(d)
d = mutate(d)
push!(het, heterozygosities_p(d))
push!(pop, length(d))
push!(tm, trait_mean(d))
push!(af, allelefreqs_p(d))
push!(p2, ploidy_freq(d)[2])
push!(p3, ploidy_freq(d)[3])
push!(p4, ploidy_freq(d)[4])
push!(fta, f_trait_agents(d))
(pop=pop, deme=d, p2=p2, p3=p3, p4=p4, ngen=ngen, het=het,tm=tm, af=af, fta=fta)

# ╔═╡ bb6aa892-6ef1-480a-8a2e-be1c131c0d5b
evolving_selectiondeme(d_p1, 500)

# ╔═╡ f91908fb-8202-4087-9ee0-ed8207a41378
md""" ###### Components of the mating function"""

# ╔═╡ a50b4da8-39d5-4977-a1de-a8a172c0e6ac
Mating in a mixed ploidy deme with unreduced gamete formation and partner
choice weighted by malthusian fitness.
function mating_PnB_x(d::AbstractDeme{A}) where A
new_agents = A[]
fitnesses = exp.(malthusian_fitness(d))
for i=1:length(d)
B1 = d.agents[i]
noff = number_of_offspring(d, B1)
Bs = sample(d.agents, weights(fitnesses), noff)
offspring = filter(!ismock, map(B2->mate_p(B1, B2, d), Bs))
new_agents = vcat(new_agents, offspring)

# ╔═╡ d6eeb3b0-fbce-4ed8-b32b-0adbae74019c
Return the Malthusian fitness (density dependence and stabilizing selection) of each agent in a deme.
function malthusian_fitness(d::MixedPloidyDeme)
N = length(d)
fitnesses = Float64[]
for agent in d.agents
z = trait(agent)
f = d.rm*(1-(N/d.K))-((z-d.θ)^2)/(2*d.Vs)
push!(fitnesses, f)

# ╔═╡ 3db37b1c-693b-4c34-9e18-b9126b0fe235
number_of_offspring(d::AbstractDeme, a::Agent)
function number_of_offspring(d::MixedPloidyDeme, a::Agent)
logw = malthusian_fitness(d, a)

# ╔═╡ 776a2d51-ca39-4368-9431-5a3ad8afe14d
mate_p(a::Agent, b::Agent, d::AbstractDeme)
Mating in a mixed ploidy deme. Assumes that different cytotypes can be
compatible with a decrease in viability (cfr. OffspringViability matrix) (i.e.
when #individuals with different ploidy hybridize, they generate have a
probability p to generate no viable offspring). Selfing is allowed without
cost. This influences the dynamics by including hybrid offspring that can
compete for space (and affects the malthusian fitness/density dependence of
function mate_p(a::Agent, b::Agent, d::AbstractDeme)
#gamete formation
# XXX we should have recombinatoin *before* gamete formation ?!
ag = gametogenesis(recombination(a), d)
bg = gametogenesis(recombination(b), d)
#combine gametes and assign viability
via = viability(ag, bg, d)
# not sure if returning 0 is the best idea in terms of type stability
# perhaps you should return a mock-agent (for instance an agent with length
# zero genome) when there is no viable offspring
# if d is defined at agent level, how do we cope with it here?
return rand() < via ? Agent(loci=[ag.loci ; bg.loci], d=a.d) : 0

# ╔═╡ 82e7cf93-ba18-483a-9880-4dd396416510
Free recombination between loci in a mixed ploidy population.
function recombination(a::Agent)
genome = similar(a.loci)
for i in 1:nloci(a)
genome[:,i] = shuffle(a.loci[:,i])
Agent(loci=genome, d=a.d)
gametogenesis(a::Agent, d::AbstractDeme)
Gamete formation in a mixed ploidy population (1n to 4n).
function gametogenesis(a::Agent, d::AbstractDeme)
num = sample(1:4, weights(d.UG[ploidy(a),:]))
idx = sample(1:ploidy(a), num, replace=false)
return Agent(a.loci[idx, :], a.d)
viability(a::Agent, b::Agent, d::deme)
After fusing of gametes, calculate the viability of resulting individual. For example the viability of
a triploid individual is by default set to 0, diploid and tetraploid individuals set to 1.
function viability(a::Agent, b::Agent, d::AbstractDeme)
return d.OV[ploidy(a), ploidy(b)]

# ╔═╡ Cell order:
# ╠═1e540d75-0a9d-4bb2-85aa-02ea78f08766
# ╠═42a769f0-1bf8-11ec-2a76-e7cea7f2e77a
# ╟─9fe6dd08-89c2-49c7-99ed-bf27e4a90242
# ╟─111bd54b-d480-4c5e-9a92-aa6f38a2d074
# ╠═ee0a9506-823f-449d-8bb9-7f864c8e73ae
# ╠═54ea2331-7430-48c6-b0b9-f82c4b80f3ff
# ╠═1c163c4d-d8dd-49a4-a07a-372abf74ef21
# ╠═3f95bac8-5c98-472f-b53d-f5f2ebe2e113
# ╟─2e17fd8e-f360-421e-ba35-8921c9807c47
# ╠═4d4f91c4-116e-45bd-aca5-a4e728026159
# ╠═de22de55-116d-41fd-8865-a9a0ae5be0c9
# ╠═7c3af315-31b4-40bb-af86-8a105f427b7c
# ╟─5e0aaf09-4453-4aea-b0f9-5f14b16200f5
# ╠═870aab66-3e7a-4b47-917d-190a72f8e2de
# ╠═5d5393dd-bebe-4275-992b-7477a5c7834b
# ╠═6b866b78-80d7-43b1-a4c5-33f6c7908a03
# ╠═1dc54ec2-f4d3-4237-8fb2-b331e0bf887f
# ╠═6e07be7d-8af6-4bf1-9591-f42ab3ea9db0
# ╟─a24f94e4-c012-4c82-ba4c-93484d0a7263
# ╠═e2ced766-0032-4cb2-b73c-fd1a086e0950
# ╠═7ac2f20c-db6a-4927-a76b-d7ded656adbc
# ╠═bb6aa892-6ef1-480a-8a2e-be1c131c0d5b
# ╟─f91908fb-8202-4087-9ee0-ed8207a41378
# ╠═a50b4da8-39d5-4977-a1de-a8a172c0e6ac
# ╠═d6eeb3b0-fbce-4ed8-b32b-0adbae74019c
# ╠═3db37b1c-693b-4c34-9e18-b9126b0fe235
# ╠═776a2d51-ca39-4368-9431-5a3ad8afe14d
# ╠═82e7cf93-ba18-483a-9880-4dd396416510

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