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Merge pull request poberwong#2 from liaohuqiu/patch-1
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Create api.php
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poberwong authored Sep 23, 2016
2 parents 329edf7 + 359d1fc commit 89eb123
Showing 1 changed file with 317 additions and 0 deletions.
317 changes: 317 additions & 0 deletions api.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
include ROOT_DIR . '/vendor/simple_html_dom.php';
class MApis_Mdcc extends MApps_AppBase_BaseApiApp
private static $default_avatar = '';

private static $topic_intro_replace = [
'<br/>' => "\n",
'<br>' => "\n",
'&mdash;' => '',

private static $replace = [
'<b>' => '',
'</b>' => '',
'<span>' => '',
'</span>' => '',
'&nbsp;' => '',
'&amp;' => ' & ',
'&ldquo;' => '',
'&rdquo;' => '',
'&mdash;' => '',

private static $session_id = array (
'全体大会' => 1,
'Android开发峰会' => 2,
'iOS开发峰会' => 3,
'产品与设计峰会' => 4,
'VR开发者峰会' => 5,
'硬件产品开发峰会' => 6,
'移动直播技术专场' => 7,
'跨平台开发专场' => 8,
'人工智能与机器人专场' => 9,
'物联网开发专场' => 10,
'信息无障碍专场' => 11,

private static $session_id_inc = 1;
private static $speaker_id_inc = 100;

private static $replace_time = [
' ' => '',
'' => ':',

private static $replace_session_time = [
'时间:' => '',

protected function checkAuth()

private function fetchMainPage()
$html = file_get_html('');

// fetch session list
$list = [];
foreach ($html->find('.jjconpc') as $item)
$session_title = trim($item->find('h5', 0)->innertext());
$session_intro = $item->find('p', 0)->innertext();
$session_intro = strtr($session_intro, self::$replace);
$list[$session_title] = $session_intro;
$this->session_list = $list;

// fetch speaker list
$list = [];
foreach ($html->find('.jiaB') as $item)
$avatar = $item->find('img', 0)->src;

$name_item = $item->next_sibling();
$name = $name_item->innertext();

$company_item = $name_item->next_sibling();
$company = $company_item->innertext();

$title_item = $company_item->next_sibling();
$title = $title_item->innertext();

$speaker = [];
$speaker['speaker_name'] = $name;
$speaker['speaker_avatar'] = $avatar;
$speaker['speaker_company'] = $company;
$speaker['speaker_title'] = $title;
$list[$name] = $speaker;
$this->speaker_list = $list;

private function parseSessionTimeAndPlace($text, $session)
// 时间:9月23日 下午 地点:国家会议中心三层
list($time, $place) = explode('地点:', $text);
$time = strtr(trim($time), self::$replace_session_time);

$session['session_time'] = $time;
$session['session_place'] = $place;
$session['session_time_and_place'] = $text;
return $session;

private function parse()
$url = '';
$html = file_get_html($url);

$list1 = [];
$list2 = [];

foreach ($html->find('.ric_t') as $title)
$session_title = trim($title->innertext());
$des = $title->next_sibling();

$session = [];
$session['session_title'] = $session_title;
$session['session_id'] = $this->fetchSessionId($session_title);
$session['session_intro'] = $this->fetchSessionIntro($session_title);
$session_time_and_place = strtr($des->innertext(), self::$replace);
$session = $this->parseSessionTimeAndPlace($session_time_and_place, $session);

$next = $des;
while (!($table = $next->next_sibling()->find('table', 0)))
$next = $next->next_sibling();

foreach (array_slice($table->find('tr'), 1) as $tr)
$topic = self::parseTopic($tr);
if ($topic)
$session['topics'][] = $topic;

if (strpos($session['session_time_and_place'], '23日') !== false)
$list1[] = $session;
$list2[] = $session;

return [$list1, $list2];

private function fetchSessionId($session_title)
if (isset(self::$session_id[$session_title]))
return self::$session_id[$session_title];
foreach (self::$session_id as $key => $value)
if (strpos($session_title, $key) !== false)
return $value;
$id = self::$session_id_inc + count(self::$session_id);
return $id;

private function fetchSessionIntro($session_title)
if (isset($this->session_list[$session_title]))
return $this->session_list[$session_title];
foreach ($this->session_list as $key => $value)
if (strpos($session_title, $key) !== false)
return $value;
return '';

private function parseTopic($tr)
$td_list = $tr->find('td');
$topic = [];
if (count($td_list) > 1)
$time_str = strtr($td_list[0]->innertext(), self::$replace_time);
list($time_start, $time_end) = explode('-', $time_str);

$topic = $this->processTopicTitle($topic, $td_list);
$topic['time_start'] = $time_start;
$topic['time_end'] = $time_end;
$topic['time'] = $time_start . ' - ' . $time_end;

$topic = $this->processNameAndTitleForTopicSpeaker($topic, $td_list);

$topic['is_rest'] = strpos($topic['title'], '午休') !== false;
return $topic;

private function processTopicTitle($topic, $td_list)
$specific_title = $td_list[1]->find('b', 0);
if ($specific_title)
$topic_title = $specific_title->innertext();
$topic_title = $td_list[1]->find('span', 0)->innertext();
$topic_title = strtr($topic_title, self::$replace);
$topic['title'] = $topic_title;
return $topic;

private function processNameAndTitleForTopicSpeaker($topic, $td_list)
$name_link = $td_list[1]->find('a', 0);
if ($name_link)
$name = $name_link->innertext();
$link = $name_link->href;
$url_info = parse_url($link);
$info = MCore_Tool_Http::parse_str($url_info['query']);
$speaker_id = intval($info['id']);

$intro_and_avatar = $this->fetchSpeakerTopicIntroAndAvatar($speaker_id, $link);

$topic['id'] = $speaker_id;
$topic['speaker_id'] = $speaker_id;
$topic['topic_intro'] = $intro_and_avatar['topic_intro'];
$topic['speaker_avatar'] = $intro_and_avatar['speaker_avatar'];

$p = $td_list[1]->find('p', 0)->innertext();
list($_p, $intro) = explode('</span>', $p);
$speaker_text = $td_list[1]->find('p', 0)->innertext();
list($name, $intro) = explode('</span>', $speaker_text);

self::$speaker_id_inc += 1;
$speaker_id = self::$speaker_id_inc;

$topic['id'] = $speaker_id;
$topic['speaker_id'] = $speaker_id;
$topic['topic_intro'] = '';
$topic['speaker_avatar'] = self::$default_avatar;
$intro = trim(strtr($intro, self::$replace));
$name = strtr($name, self::$replace);

$topic['speaker_name'] = $name;
$topic['speaker_title'] = $intro ? $intro : '';
return $topic;

protected function main()
$that = $this;
$getFn = function() {
$list = $this->parse();
$data = [];
$data['last_update'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$data['list'] = $list;
return $data;

// $data = MCore_Tool_Cache::fetch('mdcc-1', $getFn, null, -1);
$data = MCore_Tool_Cache::fetch(self::$cache_key_pre_for_result, $getFn, null, 3600);

private function fetchSpeakerTopicIntroAndAvatar($speaker_id, $link)
$getFn = function() use ($link) {
$intro = '';

$html = file_get_html($link);
$intro_element = $html->find('.jB_Detail .jsp', 2);
if ($intro_element)
$intro = $intro_element->innertext();
$intro = strtr($intro, self::$topic_intro_replace);
$avatar_element = $html->find('.jB_Detail .jiaB img', 0);
$avatar = self::$default_avatar;
if ($avatar_element)
$avatar = $avatar_element->src;

$data = [];
$data['speaker_avatar'] = $avatar;
$data['topic_intro'] = $intro;
return $data;

// $data = MCore_Tool_Cache::fetch('speaker-1-' . $speaker_id, $getFn, null, -1);
$data = MCore_Tool_Cache::fetch(self::$cache_key_pre_for_topic . $speaker_id, $getFn, null, 3600 * 20 + $speaker_id * 100);
return $data;

private static $cache_key_pre_for_topic = 'speaker-9-';
private static $cache_key_pre_for_result = 'mdcc-17';

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