基于 Expo 的 Monorepo Workspace
- React Native/Expo
- React Hooks
- React Context
- TypeScript
- 💡 使用 pnpm 管理依赖
- 🏠 基于 Expo 平台
- 📦 支持 React Hook
- 🥣 完全使用 TypeScript 开发
- 👮 editorConfig + eslint + prettier + markdownlint + commitlint + stylelint 实现的无死角代码规范体系
- 💰 更多更好功能等你发现...
在项目根目录下运行 pnpm bootstrap
自行查看 packages 目录下各子项目
React.lazy is not working in Expo SDK 49
Expo fyi: Little bits of information that you may find useful when interacting with Expo tools and service. Append the markdown filename to Expo fyi to get a quick link to it.
Use Next.js with Expo for Web - Expo Documentation
examples/with-nextjs at master · expo/examples
react-native-web/packages/react-native-web-examples at master · necolas/react-native-web