Generates a list of FLEXIcontent items. Provides several advanced settings for selection, ordering, and displaying. Useful for recent blog posts, banners, and events.
Download the most recent version from and install via Joomla extension installer
- Category Scope: select what categories to include or exclude from selection
- Type Scope: select what content types to include or exclide from selection
- Current Item Scope: select whether the current item should be included in selection
- Language Scope: select whether only current language or all languages should be included in selection
Selection Modes:
- Basic: sets the number of items and ordering by date, title, category, or random
- Events: allows the selection of items based on date ranges and date ordering
- Advanced: custom SQL FROM, WHERE and ORDER clauses to be used in selection
- Output: selects HTML, JSON or HTML+JSON output
- Layout Order: controls the order in which the various elements will be rendered: title, image, date, author, intro, read more, and fields. Using additional "open" and "close" tags you can create more complex HTML structures.
- Banners Layout: adds HTML structures, attributes and classes necessary for banner systems
Settings for specific fields:
- Title
- Date
- Author
- Intro text
- Image
- Read more link
- Additional fields
Control whether to include the following in the JSON output:
- Item ID
- Item link
- Fields ID
- Fields Label
- Fields Value
- Fields Display
- Custom JSON variable to use for output data
- Optional callback function name
- Optionally wrap in jQuery document ready listener
- Custom CSS classes
- Custom pre- and post- module and items HTML
- Dynamic CSS class from field value
- Custom CSS classes for field sections
- Custom PHP function that generates CSS classes for each item
- Custom PHP function that generates HTML attributes for each item
- Custom PHP function for rendering fields