Before install the visual16S, there are some packages needed to be manually install from Bioconductor.
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager")
BiocManager::install(c("dada2", "phyloseq", "DESeq2", "EnhancedVolcano"))
You need to run install from the parent working directory that contains the visual16S folder.
If you can't install package in R Console, try this: open visual16S.Rproj first, then use RStudio → Build → Install and Restart.
demo_phyloseq_object <- visual16S::demo_phyloseq_object
demo_dada2_result <- visual16S::demo_dada2_result
DADA2 filter parameters:
dada2::filterAndTrim(truncLen=c(0,0), maxEE=c(2,2))
DADA2 taxonomy database:
SampleID | diagnosis |
s17118657 | healthy |
s17118661 | healthy |
s17118667 | healthy |
s17118714 | healthy |
s17118646 | intestinal cancer |
s17118664 | intestinal cancer |
s17118669 | intestinal cancer |
s17118686 | intestinal cancer |
s17118647 | liver cancer |
s17118684 | liver cancer |
s17118715 | liver cancer |
s17118730 | liver cancer |
s17118650 | lung cancer |
s17118680 | lung cancer |
s17118691 | lung cancer |
s17118703 | lung cancer |
First use the track_reads_dada2 function to check reads drop associated with every step in DADA2.
You can plot reads track in either absolute abundance or relative abundance.
If the sample size is too large to show on legend, set legend_position to "none".
single_end = FALSE,
relative_abundance = TRUE,
legend_position = "top")
plot_sparsity(demo_dada2_result$seq_tab, binwidth = 10)
Use plot_stacked_bar function to plot the taxonomy level abundance in every sample. You can change the 'level' argument to plot abundance in different level, or change the 'feature' to choose different feature you want to show in x-axis.
plot_stacked_bar(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object,
level = "Class")
plot_stacked_bar(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object,
level = "Class",
relative_abundance = TRUE)
plot_stacked_bar(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object,
level = "Class",
relative_abundance = TRUE,
feature = "diagnosis")
sample_order <- extract_metadata_phyloseq(demo_phyloseq_object) %>% arrange(diagnosis) %>% .$SampleID
plot_stacked_bar(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object,
level = "Class",
relative_abundance = TRUE,
feature = "diagnosis",
order = sample_order)
Use plot_alpha_diversity to plot alpha diversity.
plot_alpha_diversity(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, feature = "diagnosis") %>%
# Show result in a table in markdown
diagnosis | samples | Observed | Chao1 | ACE | Shannon | Simpson | InvSimpson | Fisher |
healthy | s17118657 | 256 | 259.5000 | 259.7298 | 3.886926 | 0.9528851 | 21.224687 | 32.61626 |
healthy | s17118661 | 236 | 238.8125 | 241.4922 | 3.583856 | 0.9452327 | 18.259087 | 30.78986 |
healthy | s17118667 | 214 | 225.0000 | 220.5107 | 2.379044 | 0.6687893 | 3.019226 | 27.28225 |
healthy | s17118714 | 265 | 274.0000 | 269.1680 | 3.405226 | 0.8781308 | 8.205520 | 34.21672 |
intestinal cancer | s17118646 | 317 | 322.0000 | 321.9582 | 3.840584 | 0.9298637 | 14.257945 | 41.17106 |
intestinal cancer | s17118664 | 383 | 408.0000 | 398.4252 | 4.615068 | 0.9716829 | 35.314377 | 53.15833 |
intestinal cancer | s17118669 | 280 | 314.0000 | 288.6257 | 3.642227 | 0.9299103 | 14.267425 | 36.75522 |
intestinal cancer | s17118686 | 463 | 499.9091 | 479.0042 | 4.765762 | 0.9826985 | 57.798311 | 66.58539 |
liver cancer | s17118647 | 246 | 252.8750 | 252.3801 | 3.885810 | 0.9543788 | 21.919626 | 32.03147 |
liver cancer | s17118684 | 416 | 426.9091 | 422.5903 | 4.762457 | 0.9827857 | 58.091385 | 60.36914 |
liver cancer | s17118715 | 325 | 377.5000 | 335.9106 | 4.119560 | 0.9571293 | 23.325945 | 43.60859 |
liver cancer | s17118730 | 265 | 268.7500 | 269.9306 | 3.901370 | 0.9587435 | 24.238613 | 35.69064 |
lung cancer | s17118650 | 258 | 266.2727 | 266.3957 | 1.928436 | 0.4850172 | 1.941812 | 33.23692 |
lung cancer | s17118680 | 344 | 359.1111 | 353.7075 | 4.479324 | 0.9733006 | 37.453969 | 46.98003 |
lung cancer | s17118691 | 197 | 213.5000 | 204.0969 | 3.331857 | 0.9208330 | 12.631526 | 24.27305 |
lung cancer | s17118703 | 286 | 293.2000 | 289.6606 | 4.050606 | 0.9521931 | 20.917464 | 37.23602 |
Or you can change 'measures' argument to use different measurement.
plot_alpha_diversity(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object,
feature = "diagnosis",
measures = "Chao1",
p_test = "kruskal")
## samples diagnosis variable value
## 1 s17118657 healthy Chao1 259.5000
## 2 s17118661 healthy Chao1 238.8125
## 3 s17118667 healthy Chao1 225.0000
## 4 s17118714 healthy Chao1 274.0000
## 5 s17118646 intestinal cancer Chao1 322.0000
## 6 s17118664 intestinal cancer Chao1 408.0000
## 7 s17118669 intestinal cancer Chao1 314.0000
## 8 s17118686 intestinal cancer Chao1 499.9091
## 9 s17118647 liver cancer Chao1 252.8750
## 10 s17118684 liver cancer Chao1 426.9091
## 11 s17118715 liver cancer Chao1 377.5000
## 12 s17118730 liver cancer Chao1 268.7500
## 13 s17118650 lung cancer Chao1 266.2727
## 14 s17118680 lung cancer Chao1 359.1111
## 15 s17118691 lung cancer Chao1 213.5000
## 16 s17118703 lung cancer Chao1 293.2000
Use plot_beta_diversity to plot beta diversity. Change 'method' to draw different beta diversity plot. You can locate specific sample in beta diversity plot by the table printed to the screen.
plot_beta_diversity(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object,
feature = "diagnosis",
method = "bray")
## SampleID diagnosis PC1 PC2
## 1 s17118657 healthy -0.290927341 0.072252800
## 2 s17118661 healthy -0.307596849 -0.036986534
## 3 s17118667 healthy -0.212996044 0.005072186
## 4 s17118714 healthy 0.221843750 0.030950997
## 5 s17118646 intestinal cancer 0.236062504 -0.027898721
## 6 s17118664 intestinal cancer -0.080723593 0.126565760
## 7 s17118669 intestinal cancer 0.283441638 -0.026430612
## 8 s17118686 intestinal cancer -0.147153213 0.094026537
## 9 s17118647 liver cancer -0.026290448 0.190685061
## 10 s17118684 liver cancer -0.134091098 0.129184659
## 11 s17118715 liver cancer 0.118559730 0.078255342
## 12 s17118730 liver cancer 0.066050081 -0.240211951
## 13 s17118650 lung cancer -0.136990056 -0.527612428
## 14 s17118680 lung cancer 0.004727498 0.113546285
## 15 s17118691 lung cancer 0.236329177 -0.076007805
## 16 s17118703 lung cancer 0.169754263 0.094608425
Use log2fc function to show differential analysis result.
log2fc(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object,
feature = "diagnosis",
p_value = 0.05)
## [1] "log2 fold change (MLE): diagnosis lung.cancer vs healthy"
## OTU log2FoldChange padj
## 1 OTU154 22.40152 2.806171e-11
## 4 OTU164 21.85581 5.133843e-05
## 5 OTU312 20.74025 1.658810e-04
## 8 OTU228 19.48117 4.637397e-04
## 6 OTU331 -18.93621 1.699443e-04
## 7 OTU282 -20.06961 2.784319e-04
## 3 OTU109 -22.19975 1.731359e-06
## 2 OTU152 -25.34458 1.312528e-08
log2fc(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object,
feature = "diagnosis",
p_value = 0.05,
level = "Genus")
## [1] "log2 fold change (MLE): diagnosis lung.cancer vs healthy"
## Genus log2FoldChange padj
## 1 Lachnospiraceae_UCG-003 9.587806 6.994975e-06
## 2 Prevotella_9 -5.937157 1.247866e-04
Set "reference" and "treatment" parameters to change log2fc treatment vs reference. Both "reference" and "treatment" should be one of the levels in "feature".
log2fc(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object,
feature = "diagnosis",
p_value = 0.05,
level = "Genus",
reference = 'healthy',
treatment = 'liver cancer')
## [1] "log2 fold change (MLE): diagnosis liver cancer vs healthy"
## Genus log2FoldChange padj
## 2 Lachnospiraceae_UCG-003 6.486932 0.01652016
## 3 Oscillibacter 2.790685 0.02188510
## 1 Alistipes 1.900839 0.01481186
## 4 Prevotella_9 -4.309028 0.02188510
# Construct correlation table
cor_tab <- demo_dada2_result$seq_tab %>% t() %>% %>%
rownames_to_column("OTU") %>%
mutate(Healthy = s17118657 + s17118661 + s17118667 + s17118714) %>%
mutate(IntestinalCancer = s17118646 + s17118664 + s17118669 + s17118686) %>%
mutate(LiverCancer = s17118647 + s17118684 + s17118715 + s17118730) %>%
mutate(LungCancer = s17118650 + s17118680 + s17118691 + s17118703) %>%
select(OTU, Healthy, IntestinalCancer, LiverCancer, LungCancer) %>%
# Normalization
cor_tab <- (cor_tab + 1) %>% log10()
Healthy | IntestinalCancer | LiverCancer | LungCancer | |
OTU1 | 3.344196 | 3.398114 | 3.685652 | 4.761228 |
OTU2 | 4.459920 | 3.800442 | 4.330170 | 3.850462 |
OTU3 | 4.607680 | 3.105510 | 3.398808 | 0.000000 |
OTU4 | 3.562293 | 3.815246 | 3.679882 | 4.287667 |
OTU5 | 3.841422 | 3.063709 | 3.291369 | 4.328970 |
OTU6 | 3.335257 | 4.333326 | 3.739018 | 3.129368 |
OTU7 | 3.749118 | 3.952453 | 3.788946 | 3.879383 |
OTU8 | 3.247728 | 4.188141 | 3.401917 | 3.894980 |
OTU9 | 3.950413 | 4.148788 | 3.278754 | 3.049218 |
OTU10 | 3.778368 | 3.604982 | 3.967922 | 3.808481 |
plot_correlation(cor_tab, x = "IntestinalCancer", y = "Healthy")
plot_correlation(cor_tab, x = c("IntestinalCancer", "LiverCancer", "LungCancer"), y = "Healthy")