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Staff Relations Management

A centralized platform to streamline all aspects of staff relations, including mental health awareness, task tracking, meal booking, car wash booking, reports and performance feedback.

Table of Contents

  1. Project Description
  2. Installation Instructions
  3. Usage
  4. Key Resources
  5. Project Structure

Project Description

This project, "Staff Relations Management," equips companies with a centralized platform to streamline all aspects of staff relations. It allows employers to create healthier work environments and promote mental health awareness, track employee time on tasks for accurate client billing and efficient financial and capacity management, and foster a culture of continuous performance feedback. By integrating these features, the platform simplifies the management of employee well-being, productivity, and feedback, ultimately enhancing overall staff relations.

Installation Instructions


  • Node.js
  • npm

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd Staff-Relations-Managment
  3. Install dependencies: npm install
  4. Start the application: npm start


To use the application, follow these steps:

  1. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.
    • Log in with your credentials.
    • If you don't have an account, create one then log in using one these access keys for Manager, HR, and Staff roles respectively: mR123123, hR456456, uR789789
  2. Use the dashboard to monitor and manage employee relations, task timesheets, and performance feedback.

Key Resources

Project Structure

  • .github/workflows/: Contains YAML files that define automated workflows for GitHub Actions, specifying tasks such as testing, building, and deploying code.

  • .vscode/: Contains configuration files for Visual Studio Code, such as settings, launch configurations, and extensions specific to the project.

  • tests/: Contains test files for the app functions. These are automated tests that ensure the application behaves as expected.

  • coverage/: Holds code coverage reports generated by testing tools. Code coverage reports show how much of the code is covered by tests.

  • node_modules/: A directory where npm (Node Package Manager) installs the project dependencies. This directory is populated automatically and should not be manually edited.

  • src/: The source code for the application. This directory contains all the html, css, js, and media.

    • firebase_functions.js and functions.js: Contains functions used in various parts of the app such as carwash bookings, timesheets, and reports.
    • firestore-import.js: Houses firestore imports.
    • firebaseInit.js: Initializes firebase database so we can use its services and exports firebase functions.
    • database-imports.js: Houses imports for firebase realtime database
  • .DS_Store: A macOS system file that stores custom attributes of a folder, such as the position of icons.

  • A markdown file that contains the documentation for the project. It includes information on how to set up, run, and contribute to the project. It is this file.

  • app.js: This app.js file creates a basic Express.js server that serves static files from three directories: "src", "test", and "src/img". It sets the server port dynamically, either taking it from the environment variable process.env.PORT or defaulting to port 3000. Once the server is running, it logs a message to the console indicating the port on which the server is listening.

  • babel.config.js: configures Babel to use the @babel/preset-env preset with specific target environments. In this case, it targets the current version of Node.js (node: 'current'). This configuration ensures that Babel will transpile JavaScript code in a way that is compatible with the current Node.js environment.

  • mocks.js: provides mock implementations of Firebase functions, Firestore operations, and other application functions for unit testing purposes. It simulates various authentication and database scenarios, input validations, error handling, and UI manipulations.

  • package-lock.json: generated by npm that lists specific versions of packages and their dependencies, ensuring consistent installations across different environments.

  • package.json: a metadata file for Node.js projects, containing information like project name, version, dependencies, and scripts. It's used by npm for package management and project configuration.

  • ui-debug.log: contains log messages related to the startup of a web/API server, indicating successful server initiation on both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses at port 4000.