Releases: Luligu/matterbridge
Release 2.2.5
[2.2.5] - 2025-03-19
- [frontend]: Frontend v.2.6.0.
- [frontend]: The Devices panel on the Home page selects and unselects using the device serial or device name (it reads the plugin schema).
- [frontend]: Added download of plugins storage to the Download menu.
- [frontend]: Added download of plugins config to the Download menu.
- [frontend]: Added the possibility to show an action button in the config editor.
- [frontend]: Added the possibility to show an action button with input in the config editor.
- [package]: Update dependencies.
- [frontend]: The select list panel in the config editor now shows as primary the device name and secondary the device serial.
- [frontend]: Removed @rjsf/mui and use @rjsf/core (this allows to update to the latest react and @mui packages).
- [frontend]: Updated @emotion @fontsource/roboto @mdi @mui @rjsf qrcode.react react-router notistack packages.
- [frontend]: Fixed case where more then one plugin has select in the Home page Devices panel.
Release 2.2.4
Release 2.2.3
Release 2.2.2
[2.2.2] - 2025-03-05
- [frontend]: Frontend v.2.5.0.
- [frontend]: Added in the Header the primary color for update and restart icons when they are needed.
- [frontend]: Added in the HomeDevices a message when restart is needed and removed the Snackbar.
- [frontend]: Added in Install plugins the possibility to install a plugin from a tarball.
- [frontend]: Optimized rendering of the main components.
- [frontend]: The config editor cannot be opened a second time before the restart.

Release 2.2.1
[2.2.1] - 2025-03-02
- [frontend]: Frontend v.2.5.0.
- [frontend]: Added in the Settings the option to hide Install plugins and Plugins in the Home page.
- [frontend]: Added in the Settings the option to have Logs or Devices as the bottom panel in the Home page.
- [frontend]: Refactor Home page and added HomeDevices and HomePlugins react components.
- [frontend]: Persist in localStorage the Auto scroll setting.
- [frontend]: Added @mdi package for icons.
- [package]: Update matter.js to 0.12.5.

Release 2.2.0
[2.2.0] - 2025-02-27
- [docker]: Added health check directly in the docker image. No need to change configuration of docker compose.
- [platform]: Saving in the storage the selects for faster loading of plugins.
- [icon]: Added matterbridge svg icon (thanks:
- [pluginManager]: Refactor PluginManager to optimize memory and load time.
- [frontend]: Frontend v.2.4.6. Please refresh the frontend page after the update.
- [frontend]: Added processUptime to SystemInfo.
- [frontend]: Added Share fabrics and Stop sharing to the menu. This allows to pair other controllers without the need to share from the first controller.
- [frontend]: Added subscriptions to QRDiv.
- [frontend]: Added autoScroll option for the logs. Default is enabled.
- [utils]: Optimized memory and loading time.
- [shelly]: Added all shelly api to be used when matterbridge is running on the shelly matterbridge board.
- [package]: Update matter.js to 0.12.4
- [matterbridge]: The check for available updates now runs at restart and each 24 hours after.
- [matterbridge]: Check endpoint state in /api/devices.

Release 2.1.5
Breaking Changes
Starting from v. 2.0.0, Matterbridge is running only in mode edge (no parameter needed and no badge in the frontend).
Starting from v. 2.1.0, the legacy old api of matter.js have been completely removed from Matterbridge and from all plugins.
For this reason there is no compatibility with the old versions of the plugins.
You need to update all plugins you use and Matterbridge in the same moment.
I suggest to first update all plugins without restarting and then to update Matterbridge so when it restarts, all versions will be the latest.
If you use docker, all plugins are already installed in the image so you just need to pull the new image.
Compatibility list:
matterbridge-shelly v. 1.1.5
matterbridge-zigbee2mqtt v. 2.4.4
matterbridge-somfy-tahoma v. 1.2.3
matterbridge-hass v. 0.0.8
[2.1.5] - 2025-02-11
- [frontend]: Frontend v.2.4.1.
- [frontend]: Optimized rendering of all pages.
- [frontend]: Added cpuUsed, rss and heapUsed to SystemInformation.
- [frontend]: Added UiProvider.
- [frontend]: Added wssSendCpuUpdate, wssSendMemoryUpdate and wssSendSnackbarMessage.
- [docker]: Added health check to docker images. See with the updated configuration.
- [matterbridge]: Calls getNpmPackageVersion() instead of npm to get latest version to optimize memory and cpu usage.
- [matterbridge]: Memory optimization on MatterbridgeEndpoint.
- [matterbridge]: Refactor shutdown sequences for reset and factory reset.
- [matterbridge]: Refactor reset devices adding a wait of 1 sec to allow matter to deliver all messages before shutting down.

Release 2.1.4
Breaking Changes
Starting from v. 2.0.0, Matterbridge is running only in mode edge (no parameter needed and no badge in the frontend).
Starting from v. 2.1.0, the legacy old api of matter.js have been completely removed from Matterbridge and from all plugins.
For this reason there is no compatibility with the old versions of the plugins.
You need to update all plugins you use and Matterbridge in the same moment.
I suggest to first update all plugins without restarting and then to update Matterbridge so when it restarts, all versions will be the latest.
If you use docker, all plugins are already installed in the image so you just need to pull the new image.
Compatibility list:
matterbridge-shelly v. 1.1.5
matterbridge-zigbee2mqtt v. 2.4.4
matterbridge-somfy-tahoma v. 1.2.3
matterbridge-hass v. 0.0.8
[2.1.4] - 2025-02-07
- [frontend]: Added memorycheck before cleanup.
- [platform]: Added a check for not latin characters.
- [platform]: Added a check for already registered device names.
- [package]: Update matter.js to 0.12.3.
- [matter.js]: Since matter.js storage cannot properly encode non latin names, they are encoded before passing them to matter.js.

Release 2.1.3
Breaking Changes
Starting from v. 2.0.0, Matterbridge is running only in mode edge (no parameter needed and no badge in the frontend).
Starting from v. 2.1.0, the legacy old api of matter.js have been completely removed from Matterbridge and from all plugins.
For this reason there is no compatibility with the old versions of the plugins.
You need to update all plugins you use and Matterbridge in the same moment.
I suggest to first update all plugins without restarting and then to update Matterbridge so when it restarts, all versions will be the latest.
Compatibility list:
matterbridge-shelly v. 1.1.5
matterbridge-zigbee2mqtt v. 2.4.4
matterbridge-somfy-tahoma v. 1.2.3
matterbridge-hass v. 0.0.8
[2.1.3] - 2025-02-04
- [matter.js]: Added temporary solution to prevent serverNode.close() not returning.
- [package]: Update dependencies.

Release 2.1.2
Breaking Changes
Starting from v. 2.0.0 Matterbridge is running only in mode edge (no parameter needed and no badge in the frontend).
With this release v. 2.1.0, the legacy old api of matter.js have been completely removed from Matterbridge and from all plugins.
For this reason there is no compatibility for old versions of the plugins.
You need to update all plugins you use and Matterbridge in the same moment.
I suggest to first update all plugins without restarting and then to update Matterbridge so when it restarts, all versions will be the latest.
Compatibility list:
matterbridge-shelly v. 1.1.5
matterbridge-zigbee2mqtt v. 2.4.4
matterbridge-somfy-tahoma v. 1.2.3
matterbridge-hass v. 0.0.8
[2.1.2] - 2025-02-03
- [frotnend]: Add rss and heap to SystemInformation.
- [memorydump]: Add cpu to memoryDump.
- [memorydump]: Add memoryinterval to memoryDump.
- [memorydump]: Add memorytimeout to memoryDump.
- [frontend]: Fixed update matterbridge.