Organised Views CSS
Download the framework :
#What is it ? OVCSS is a MVCSS, which means this is a Model Views Cascading Stylesheet.
How a MVCSS works ? (v1.0.1)
|_ ovcss.css
|_ base/_normalize.css
|_ bourbon/_bourbon.scss
|_ base/_settings.scss
|_ animation.scss
|_ base.scss
|_ buttons.scss
|_ classes.scss
|_ colors.scss
|_ debug.scss
|_ form.scss
|_ grid.scss
|_ icons.scss
|_ images.scss
|_ mixins.scss
|_ normalize.scss
|_ settings.scss
|_ shame.scss
|_ typography.scss
|_ variables.scss
And loaded in the right order in _settings.scss
/* ==========================================================================
OVCSS Settings library :
========================================================================== */
@import '_variables.scss'; // Define Main vars (root, path, ect)
@import '_mixins.scss'; // Import the mixins.
@import '_typography.scss'; // Import your typography stylesheet.
@import '_grid.scss'; // Import your grid system.
@import '_icons.scss'; // Import the icon fonts.
@import '_images.scss'; // Import the images
@import '_colors.scss'; // Import your colorscheme first.
@import '_buttons.scss'; // Import the Buttons stylesheet ( After the colors, the typograhy).
@import '_classes.scss'; // Import the Classes file.
@import '_form.scss'; // Import the form stylesheet.
@import '_animation.scss'; // Import the keyframes animations stylesheet.
@import '_base.scss'; // Import your Base Stylesheet.
@import '_shame.scss'; // If it's a hack, it goes in shame.css.
@import '_debug.scss'; // Debugger