🐶 Dog Food E-commerce Project
This project is a fully functional Dog Food E-commerce Website built using modern web technologies. It provides a seamless shopping experience for users to browse and order dog food while offering an admin interface for managing products and orders dynamically.
User Features:
Browse Products: Explore a dynamic list of dog food products added by the admin.
Place Orders: Add products to the cart and place orders with a simple checkout process.
Order Status Updates: View the current status of orders (e.g., Pending, Processing, Completed).
Admin Features:
View Orders: See all orders placed by users.
Update Order Status: Set order statuses such as Pending, Processing, or Completed.
Add Products: Dynamically add new products to the inventory, which are instantly displayed on the website.
Tech Stack
React.js: Frontend framework for building the user interface.
Tailwind CSS: For fast and responsive UI styling.
@tanstack/react-query: For managing server state and data fetching.
Axios: For handling HTTP requests.
React Router: For navigation and routing.
Context API: For managing global state, such as user data and cart items.
Folder Structure
/src: Contains all source code.
/components: Reusable UI components.
/pages: Pages for routing (e.g., Home, Admin, Cart).
/context: Context providers for global state.
/services: API functions using Axios.
/hooks: Custom React hooks, including ones using react-query.