Releases: Luckz/ASFui
v0.6.4 - updated for ASF >= V3.3.0.7 <= V4.0.3.9
Exe from AppVeyor build.
Unicode hack exe is an ugly workaround to support UTF8 for the internal console output. Not needed for 99% of users.
Only works until ASF V4.0.3.9.
Added IPv6 info to setHTTP.bat.example
usage: fill out desired port, computer name, user name, and then run bat as admin once; modify host if necessary (for example local network access of IPC GUI using LAN IP); uncomment IPv6 line if preferred/required. match to IPC.config or on old versions ASF.json.
Not sure if this HTTP.sys binding is still necessary on ASF versions that use the Kestrel web server.
IPCHost and IPCPort still need to be configured the legacy way in ASF.json for ASFui to access non-standard ports:
"IPCHost": "",
"IPCPort": 1242,
v0.6.3 - ASF IPC changes hotfix
ASF deprecated GET
for /Api/Command/
, making a new build necessary.
This version does not work with ASF newer than V3.3.0.6.