Lucito is a food ordering application written in TypeScript + Express. A robust, secure, and a scalable backend with following features:
- Ordering food
- Onboarding multiple vendors
- Searching the restaurants nearby based on the pincode
- Authentication using JWT
- OTP verification using Twilio
- Deployment using
The application currently has 6 environment variables:
- What it is: MongoDB database link.
- Where it comes from: MongoDB -> Login -> Your project -> Database Deployments -> Cluster -> Drivers ->
3. Add your connection string into your application code
- What it is: A JWT secret for authentication.
- What it is: Twilio account SID
- Where it comes from: Twilio console -> Login -> Your project -> Node.JS ->
- What it is: Auth token provided by Twilio
- Where it comes from: Twilio console -> Login -> Your project -> Node.JS -> Check
Show auth token
- What it is: Port on which backend should run in your machine.