Alibaba Inc.
- NanJing,China
- http://blog.csdn.net/luanlouis
基于 AntV X6 & Graphix,dagre 自动布局、可扩展的流程设计器
🦍 A configurable component library for web built on React.
An enterprise-class low-code technology stack with scale-out design / 一套面向扩展设计的企业级低代码技术体系
LuanLouis / blockly
Forked from google/blocklyThe web-based visual programming editor.
🏆 实时 零代码、全功能、强安全 ORM 库 🚀 后端接口和文档零代码,前端(客户端) 定制返回 JSON 的数据和结构 🏆 Real-Time coding-free, powerful and secure ORM 🚀 providing APIs and Docs without coding by Backend, and the returned JSON of API can b…
RESTFeel: 一个企业级的API管理&测试平台。RESTFeel帮助你设计、开发、测试您的API。
A modern, minimalist, and lightweight URL shortener using Node.js and Redis
A powerful flow control component enabling reliability, resilience and monitoring for microservices. (面向云原生微服务的高可用流控防护组件)
😮 Core Interview Questions & Answers For Experienced Java(Backend) Developers | 互联网 Java 工程师进阶知识完全扫盲:涵盖高并发、分布式、高可用、微服务、海量数据处理等领域知识
ng-LX / my-offer-to-java
Forked from pearyali/my-offer-to-java记录追寻java offer的学习历程
阿里云计算平台DataWorks(https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/137663.html) 团队出品,为监控而生的数据库连接池
🔥 Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.
Square’s meticulous HTTP client for the JVM, Android, and GraalVM.
Distributed lock for your scheduled tasks
This repository includes resolving very large Excel read and write problems using Apache POI. It is a Maven Java Project
A demo for using JWT (Json Web Token) with Spring Security and Spring Boot 2
APM, (Application Performance Management) tool for large-scale distributed systems.
Feign makes writing java http clients easier