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  • 针对传统方法提取的线特征较杂乱且三角化结果较差的问题,基于共识投票策略,在 AirSLAM 上开发了提取场景结构主方向的前端模块,实现场景结构线主方向的估计。 该模块实现了多个水平主方向的检测,且可扩展到对倾斜主方向 的提取,不依赖于特定的线特征,示意如下:

  • 某帧内的局部主方向与该帧的姿态估计受噪声影响,由此计算出的全局主方向将会偏离真值,为估 计出准确的全局主方向,使用卡尔曼滤波实现对全局主方向的微调。相比单次观测,该功能可统计主 方向的协方差矩阵,用于外点的剔除

  • AirSLAM 在没有时间同步的个人数据集上测试时漂移较大,为了解决IMU与相机时间存在偏移引起 的问题,开发了 IMU 与相机时间戳偏移在线估计功能(博客:时间戳偏移在线估计)。 下图展示了 100 ms 偏移情况下,时间偏移估计值是如何收敛到真实偏移附近的:

  • AirSLAM 在没有准确外参的个人数据集上测试时漂移较大,为了解决 IMU 与相机外参不准确引起的 问题,开发了 IMU 与相机外参在线估计功能(博客:外参在线估计)。 使用外参在线估计与不使用外参估计的对比如下:

  • AirSLAM 仅支持 ASL 数据集格式,不方便在 rosbag 数据集的测试,在分析代码中 IMU 预积分与相 机帧的关系后,确定了 IMU 打包策略,在 AirSLAM 上开发了 rosbag 数据集格式的功能。博客:AirSLAM 代码分析

AirSLAM: An Efficient and Illumination-Robust Point-Line Visual SLAM System

Kuan Xu1, Yuefan Hao2, Shenghai Yuan1, Chen Wang2, Lihua Xie1

1: Centre for Advanced Robotics Technology Innovation (CARTIN), Nanyang Technological University
2: Spatial AI & Robotics (SAIR) Lab, Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo

📄 [Arxiv] | 💾 [Project Site] | 🎥 [Youtube] | 🎥 [Bilibili]

📜 AirSLAM has dual modes (V-SLAM & VI-SLAM), upgraded from AirVO (IROS23)

AirSLAM is an efficient visual SLAM system designed to tackle both short-term and long-term illumination challenges. Our system adopts a hybrid approach that combines deep learning techniques for feature detection and matching with traditional backend optimization methods. Specifically, we propose a unified convolutional neural network (CNN) that simultaneously extracts keypoints and structural lines. These features are then associated, matched, triangulated, and optimized in a coupled manner. Additionally, we introduce a lightweight relocalization pipeline that reuses the built map, where keypoints, lines, and a structure graph are used to match the query frame with the map. To enhance the applicability of the proposed system to real-world robots, we deploy and accelerate the feature detection and matching networks using C++ and NVIDIA TensorRT. Extensive experiments conducted on various datasets demonstrate that our system outperforms other state-of-the-art visual SLAM systems in illumination-challenging environments. Efficiency evaluations show that our system can run at a rate of 73Hz on a PC and 40Hz on an embedded platform.


👀 Updates

  • [2024.08] We release the code and paper for AirSLAM.
  • [2023.07] AriVO is accepted by IROS 2023.
  • [2022.10] We release the code and paper for AirVO. The code for AirVO can now be found here.

🏁 Test Environment


  • OpenCV 4.2
  • Eigen 3
  • Ceres 2.0.0
  • G2O (tag:20230223_git)
  • TensorRT
  • CUDA 12.1
  • python
  • ROS noetic
  • Boost

Docker (Recommend)

docker pull xukuanhit/air_slam:v4
docker run -it --env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --volume /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --privileged --runtime nvidia --gpus all --volume ${PWD}:/workspace --workdir /workspace --name air_slam xukuanhit/air_slam:v4 /bin/bash

📖 Data

The data for mapping should be organized in the following Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL) dataset format (imu data is optional):

├── cam0
│   └── data
│       ├── t0.jpg
│       ├── t1.jpg
│       ├── t2.jpg
│       └── ......
├── cam1
│   └── data
│       ├── t0.jpg
│       ├── t1.jpg
│       ├── t2.jpg
│       └── ......
└── imu0
    └── data.csv

After the map is built, the relocalization requires only monocular images. Therefore, you only need to place the query images in a folder.

💻 Build

    cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    git clone
    cd ../
    source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

🏃 Run

The launch files for VO/VIO, map optimization, and relocalization are placed in VO folder, MR folder, and Reloc folder, respectively. Before running them, you need to modify the corresponding configurations according to your data path and the desired map-saving path. The following is an example of mapping, optimization, and relocalization with the EuRoC dataset.


1: Change "dataroot" in VO launch file to your own data path. For the EuRoC dataset, "mav0" needs to be included in the path.

2: Change "saving_dir" in the same file to the path where you want to save the map and trajectory. It must be an existing folder.

3: Run the launch file:

roslaunch air_slam vo_euroc.launch 

Map Optimization

1: Change "map_root" in MR launch file to your own map path.

2: Run the launch file:

roslaunch air_slam mr_euroc.launch 


1: Change "dataroot" in Reloc launch file to your own query data path.

2: Change "map_root" in the same file to your own map path.

3: Run the launch file:

roslaunch air_slam reloc_euroc.launch 

Other datasets

Launch folder and config folder respectively provide the launch files and configuration files for other datasets in the paper. If you want to run AirSLAM with your own dataset, you need to create your own camera file, configuration file, and launch file.

✍️ TODO List

  • Initial release. 🚀
  • Support more GPUs and development environments
  • Support SuperGlue as the feature matcher
  • Optimize the TensorRT acceleration of PLNet

📝 Citation

  title = {{AirSLAM}: An Efficient and Illumination-Robust Point-Line Visual SLAM System},
  author = {Xu, Kuan and Hao, Yuefan and Yuan, Shenghai and Wang, Chen and Xie, Lihua},
  journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.03520},
  year = {2024},
  url = {},
  code = {},

  title = {{AirVO}: An Illumination-Robust Point-Line Visual Odometry},
  author = {Xu, Kuan and Hao, Yuefan and Yuan, Shenghai and Wang, Chen and Xie, Lihua},
  booktitle = {IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
  year = {2023},
  url = {},
  code = {},
  video = {},


🚀 AirVO upgrades to AirSLAM 🚀







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  • C++ 95.0%
  • CMake 3.9%
  • Other 1.1%