What's Changed
- OSOE-186: Fix NuGet publish by @Piedone in #73
- OSOE-173: Adding workflow to create Jira issues for GitHub community activities by @Piedone in #74
- OSOE-398: Update all NuGet packages to latest in .NET-Analyzers by @MZole in #75
- OSOE-418: Keep LF in pnpm-lock.yaml to prevent Git from reporting this file as changed by @0liver in #76
- OSOE-425: Changing workflow names by @Luko6 in #77
- CARE-310: Update Microsoft.Net.Compilers.Toolset to fix .NET Fx build by @0liver in #80
- OSOE-532: Update all NuGet dependencies by @Piedone in #81
Full Changelog: v3.0.1...v3.1.0