Someline Starter is a framework for quick building Web Apps and Restful APIs, with modern PHP design pattern foundation, which is built on top of popular Laravel 5 framework, Vue.js, Restful API, Repository Design, OAuth2, JWT, Unit Tests, isolated front-end and back-end layer.
Quick application or Restful API starter without the need to build from scratch using Laravel.
Introduce modern design pattern, which have a better foundation when starting, for PHP projects.
Frontend with Vuejs and display data from Restful API
Password: Abc12345
Watch the video tutorial from below.
Someline Starter is suitable for Restful API oriented projects.
The Restful APIs as a backend layer which provide simple unified interfaces for frontend: Web and Mobile apps.
It utilized both OAuth2 and JWT for authentication purpose and protecting resources.
For Web frontend: JWT
is used.
For Mobile frontend or third-party: OAuth2
is used.
It also provides Unit Tests for API testing and framework testing.
It is shipped with Angulr Theme and features in every part that you can easily reference.
It is fully utilised Repository Design pattern.
If you are not familiar with any of these packages, you are recommended to get to know them as they are really helpful when you needed.
- Laravel 5.2 laravel/framework
- Laravel IDE Helper barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper
- Clockwork itsgoingd/clockwork
- Redis predis/predis
- GuzzleHTTP guzzlehttp/guzzle
- HTTP Status lukasoppermann/http-status
- Restful API dingo/api
- L5 Repository prettus/l5-repository
- Fractal thephpleague/fractal
- Laravel Validation prettus/laravel-validation
- Intervention Image intervention/image
- Intervention Image Cache intervention/imagecache
- Image Validator cviebrock/image-validator
- OAuth2 Server lucadegasperi/oauth2-server-laravel
- JWT Auth tymon/jwt-auth
Angulr theme with Bootstrap and jQuery support. For Demo: Angular version and HTML version.
Please buy a license if you use this in your project.
- Vue.js Reactive Components for Modern Web Interfaces
Make sure you have already installed PHP 7.0 and composer.
You can get started either option A or B:
Under working folder, run the command:
composer create-project --prefer-dist libern/someline-starter someline-starter
to your own git repository address.
cd someline-starter
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'Initial commit'
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
Clone this project to your working folder and open the directory:
git clone
to your own git repository address.
cd someline-starter
rm -rf .git
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'Initial commit'
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
- PHP: >=7.0
- MySQL: >=5.7
- Laravel 5:
- NodeJS:
- Bower:
- SQLite extention
Open someline-starter
folder (Optional, run only when you are not inside the project root folder)
cd someline-starter
All these commands should be executed under the root of someline-starter project
Install composer dependencies
composer install
Install npm dependencies
npm install
Install bower dependencies
bower install
Set-up Laravel, after these commands, please change .env
file for your own environment settings
sudo cp .env.example .env
sudo chmod -R 777 storage
sudo chmod -R 777 bootstrap/cache
php artisan key:generate
php artisan jwt:generate
You need to create a Database e.g. someline_starter
with Encoding utf8mb4
and Collation utf8mb4_unicode_ci
MySQL Query:
CREATE DATABASE `someline_starter` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = `utf8mb4` DEFAULT COLLATE = `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`;
Change database config in .env
file to the match the database that your just created.
After having database configuration setup, you can now do migrations and seeding.
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
Until this point, you should be able to visit the home page.
For example, if you have set the domain:
Just visit:
It should prompt you for login, use:
You are free to change the seeding account information from the file: database/seeds/UsersTableSeeder.php
You are done. Yeah!
Explore and start to build on top of it.
You will need to know, read and understand fowllowing before you can start build on top of these.
- Laravel Docs
- Restful API Best Practise
- dingo/api Guide
- Repository Pattern
- Repository Usage
- Vue.js Guide
We recommend use PHPStorm IDE to build and develop your projects.
The dafault namespace for app/
folder is Someline
It is NOT recommended to change the namespace, if you are not familiar with namepsace of Someline Starter as the Someline
namespace is used heavily within whole project.
However, you can still change it if you know how what you are doing, because some namespaces required manually changing.
To change namespace to your preference:
php artisan app:namespace YourApp
In order to ultise all features provided by Someline Starter, you should extended the Class from BaseClass (if there has one), e.g. BasePresenter
, BaseController
, etc.
All models are located under app/Models/
Model under folder app/Models/Foundation/
is created by default with primary key user_id
, you should not change this class heavily because it is used almost everywhere within whole project. You can use global function auth_user()
to access currently logged in user.
Every model should extend Someline/Models/BaseModel
which has a observer Someline/Observers/BaseModelObserver
that you can ultilise all model events within the Model, e.g. onCreating
, onCreated
, onUpdating
, onDeleting
, etc.
When creating new model, you should do it using command to auto generate realted Repository classes.
php artisan make:entity Post
All Web related files are located under app/Http/
Web Routes are defined in file app/Http/routes.php
Web Controllers are defined in folder app/Http/Controllers/
All API related files are located under app/Api/
API Routes are defined in file app/Api/routes.php
API Controllers are defined in folder app/Api/Controllers/
When you create APIs, you need to test them before you can use it. You should test all APIs using Unit Tests provided or create new Unit Tests. Not recommended to test using Browser or Postman, etc.
All repository related files are located under app/
with specific types as parent folders.
Repositories: app/Repositories/
Repositories Eloquent: app/Repositories/Eloquent/
Repositories Interface: app/Repositories/Interfaces/
Repositories Criteria: app/Repositories/Criteria/
Presenters: app/Presenters/
Transformers: app/Transformers/
Validators: app/Validators/
Angulr Styles and Scripts: resources/assets/angulr/
Angulr with Blade views: resources/views/angulr/
Vuejs: resources/assets/js/vue/
Less styles: resources/assets/less/app.less
When made changes in scripts, styles, you will need to run the command.
In development, run:
npm run-script dev
In production, run:
npm run-script prod
When you changed theme files, run:
npm run-script theme
Unit Tests: tests/
API Unit Tests: tests/Api/
View all requests and request information from file storage/clockwork.sqlite
Directly changing from database or not follow migrations is strongly NOT recommended.
Create a migration file (Auto generated when use
php artisan make:entity
), under folderdatabase/migrations/
Add essential columns to migration file:
You are recommended to use tablename_id
format as primary incremental key, for example, for table posts
, you need to use post_id
, and when this become a foreign key, you should keep the same name in other table post_id
The following columns are always required by BaseModel
And remove timestamps():
// $table->timestamps();
Add factory support, under file
Create seeding support, under folder
When you added or changed to migration files or seedings, or you just simply want to refresh everything in database:
php artisan migrate:refresh --seed
The Someline Starter framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.