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OpenSSL provider using Cryptography API: Next Generation

Basic OpenSSL provider implementation that uses Windows Cryptography API: Next generation. It is primarily meant to be a stepping stone for anybody wanting to implement their own provider. The functionality of this provider is in greater detail in the section This providers functionality.

Any feedback or pull requests are welcome.

The code is licensed under the MIT license, in case anybody would like to have even more permissive license, create an issue, and I'm going to try and find a solution.

This providers functionality

This provider allows retrieval of certificates and their associated RSA keys (other types will be skipped) stored in Windows system stores. Associated keys can be used to sign digests with SHA2-256, 386 and 512 using OpenSSL API (with the work being done by CNG so non-exportable private keys can be used as well).

Usage of this provider

To load this provider use the name cng_provider in either the -provider command line argument where supported or in OSSL_PROVIDER_load(). To maintain full functionality od OpenSSL, also load the default provider.

This provider requires a URI with cng:// schema. After the schema comes the Windows system store name. Currently supported are:


Example commandline usage

openssl s_client -provider cng_provider -provider default -connect -cert cng:my-key-from-store

Example in-code usage

An example of how one might write code with this provider, that loads a specific certificate from the Windows store, can be found in the client folder.

Prerequisites for usage:

  • OpenSSL 3.0.0+ (should be 3.2.0 compatible as well)
  • Windows with CNG support

Prerequisites for compilation:

  • Prerequisites for usage
  • Visual Studio with C++ compilation packages
  • Strawberry Perl
  • NASM

Add NASM and Strawberry Perl to PATH.

cpan -i Text::Template
cpan -i Test::More

Now you should be ready for the next step.


Make sure you have the all the prerequisities for compilation.

It is assumed, that the final product should be a x64 dynamically loadable provider. So OpenSSL and the provider are both compiled in x64 mode. See section x86 compilation for other architectures.

Compilation of OpenSSL:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
cd "C:\path\to\root\of\openssl\repo"
perl Configure VC-WIN64A -d no-shared enable-trace no-engine
nmake test
nmake install_ssldirs install_sw

Optionally also run nmake install install_docs.

Compilation of this project

cmake -S . -B ./custom-build-directory
cmake --build ./custom-build-directory --target cng_provider
cmake --build ./custom-build-directory --target install
cmake --build ./custom-build-directory --target client

x86 compilation

Make sure you compile OpenSSL in x86 mode and have it installed. Use amd64_x86 for vcvarsall.bat and VC-WIN32 for perl Configure. Change the appropriate install directory and OpenSSL location in CMakeLists.txt.

Common problems

  • You are trying to comile debug version and CMake cannot find your OpenSSL binaries: Easy solution is to name them libcryptod.lib and libssld.lib.
  • Provider cannot be installed/loaded: Check permissions on your ossl-modules folder and files in there, your user must be able to read (and/or write) there.
  • I changed the architecture and now it does not compile: Clean your caches and temporary files. Make sure you have the appropriate (x64/x86) OpenSSL version.
  • I cannot compile OpenSSL in x86 mode: You have to change two arguments during OpenSSL compilation and then two other in CMakeLists.txt.


OpenSSL provider using Windows Cryptography API: Next Generation






Contributors 3
