💡 This is the implementation of our paper accepted by KDD 2024.
Bridging Items and Language: A Transition Paradigm for Large Language Model-Based Recommendation
Xinyu Lin, Wenjie Wang, Yongqi Li, Fuli Feng, See-Kiong Ng, and Tat-Seng Chua
sudo apt install swig
env CFLAGS='-fPIC' CXXFLAGS='-fPIC' res/external/sdsl-lite/install.sh
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
The experimental data are in './data' folder, including Beauty, Yelp, and Toys.
Reconstruct the training and the vaidation data based on multi-facet identifiers by running reconstruct.py
for FILE in train dev; do
python scripts/trainining/reconstruct.py
./data/${dataset}/rec_data ./data/${dataset}/reconstructed/tuning/$FILE
--n_substring ${num_substring}
or use reconstruct.sh
sh reconstruct.sh <dataset> <num_substring>
The reconstructed data for tuning LLMs is saved in './data/${dataset}/reconstructed/tuning/' folder.
Reconstruct the testing data based on multi-facet identifiers by running make_evaluate.py
python scripts/evaluation/make_evaluate.py
./data/${dataset}/rec_data ./data/${dataset}/reconstructed/evaluation/
or use make_evaluate.sh
sh make_evaluate.sh <dataset>
The reconstructed testing data is saved in './data/${dataset}/reconstructed/evaluation/' folder.
- Before training, we need to do pre-process for fairseq training
sh preprocess_fairseq.sh <dataset>
- We then use the fairseq to train TransRec-BART. The script for training is
--finetune-from-model /bart.large/model.pt
--arch bart_large
--task translation
--criterion label_smoothed_cross_entropy
--source-lang source
--target-lang target
--label-smoothing 0.1
--max-tokens 4096
--update-freq 1
--max-update 800000
--required-batch-size-multiple 1
--validate-interval 1000000
--save-interval 1000000
--save-interval-updates 15000
--keep-interval-updates 3
--dropout 0.1
--attention-dropout 0.1
--relu-dropout 0.0
--weight-decay 0.01
--optimizer adam
--adam-betas "(0.9, 0.999)"
--adam-eps 1e-08
--clip-norm 0.1
--lr-scheduler polynomial_decay
--lr 3e-05
--total-num-update 800000
--warmup-updates 500
--num-workers 10
--log-format json
--log-interval 100
--patience 5
--save-dir checkpoints_${dataset}
or use training_fairseq.sh
cd scripts/training
sh training_fairseq.sh <dataset>
The model will be saved in the 'scirpts/training/checkpoints_${dataset}/' folder, where ${dataset} can be chosen from "beauty", "toys", and "yelp".
Build the FM-index by running build_fm_index.py
python build_fm_index.py --dataset <dataset>
The FM-index will be saved in './data/${dataset}/fm_index/' folder.
Get the recommended items of TransRec by running generate.py
python generation_grounding/generate.py
--jobs 20 --progress --device cuda:0 --batch_size 8 --beam 20
--input ./data/${dataset}/evaluation/instruction_input.json
--output output/${dataset}_output.json
--checkpoint ./scripts/training/checkpoints_${dataset}/checkpoint_best.pt
--fm_index ./data/${dataset}/fm_index
--intra_facet_exponent ${gamma}
--score_bias_id ${bias_id} --score_bias_title ${bias_title} --score_bias_attribute ${bias_attribute}
or use generate.sh
sh generate.sh <dataset> <gamma> <bias_id> <bias_title> <bias_attribute>
The explanation of hyper-parameters and the default hyper-parameters can be found in 'hyper-parameters.txt'.
Get the evaluation results of TransRec by running evaluate.py
python evaluation/evaluate.py --dataset ${dataset}
- Reconstruct the instruction data of Beauty for tuning LLMs and evaluation.
sh reconstruct.sh beauty 5
sh make_evaluate.sh beauty
- Train on Beauty dataset.
cd scripts/training
sh training_fairseq.sh beauty
- Build FM-index.
python build_fm_index.py --dataset beauty
- Generate and ground the identifier to in-corpus items.
sh generate.sh 3 12 0 5
- Evaluate.
python evaluation/evaluate.py --dataset beauty
If you find our work is useful for your research, please consider citing:
title={Bridging Items and Language: A Transition Paradigm for Large Language Model-Based Recommendation},
author={Xinyu Lin, Wenjie Wang, Yongqi Li, Fuli Feng, See-Kiong Ng, Tat-Seng Chua},
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