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Accents, DIN 91379, non Latin scripts

Volker Kunert edited this page Feb 9, 2025 · 21 revisions

Correct positioning of accents

To process text containing letters composed of multiple Unicode glyphs e.g. letters with accents, it is necessary to compute the correct positioning of the glyphs and code this positions into the resulting PDF file.

OpenPDF can process such texts starting with release 1.3.24.

Internally OpenPDF uses Java2D builtin routines for glyph layout, reordering and substitution. For Java 9 and newer these routines rely on the HarfBuzz shaping library.

DIN 91379

We tested this approach with letters conforming to "DIN 91379: Characters and defined character sequences in Unicode for the electronic processing of names and data exchange in Europe, with CD-ROM" (and the predecessor DIN SPEC 91379) which describes a subset of Unicode consisting mainly of Latin letters and diacritic signs. This standard will be mandatory for the data exchange of the German administration with citizens and businesses from Nov. 2024.

Non-Latin scripts

The processing of text in other languages and scripts using this approach should be possible, you are invited to try it and share the results.


1. Step: Enable advanced glyph layout using kerning and ligatures (since 1.3.31)

import com.lowagie.text.pdf.LayoutProcessor;
    LayoutProcessor.enableKernLiga(); // since 1.3.31

For versions before 1.3.31 kerning and ligatures are not supported.

    LayoutProcessor.enable(); // before 1.3.31

2. Step: Provide an OpenType font

Provide an OpenType font containing the necessary characters and positioning information, e.g. a font from the Google Noto fonts. If no OpenType font is provided, LayoutProcessor will do nothing.

    float fontSize = 12.0f;
    String fontDir = "com/lowagie/examples/fonts/";
    FontFactory.register(fontDir+"noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf", "notoSans");
    Font notoSans = FontFactory.getFont("notoSans", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, true, fontSize);

Java's Bidi-class is used to deduce the text direction for each chunk of text. Optionally you can specify the text direction per font.

    Font notoSansArabic = getFont(fontDir+"noto/NotoSansArabic-Regular.ttf", "notoSansArabic", fontSize);

3. Step: Further processing

Process the document or form as usual.


Producing a document

Processing a form

Producing a document with bidirectional text

Specify direction per font

Specify kerning and ligatures per font


  1. DIN 91379 (English Wikipedia)
  2. DIN 91379 (German Wikipedia)
  3. DIN 91379 Characters and Sequences (GitHub)
  4. DIN 91379:2022-08: Characters and defined character sequences in Unicode for the electronic processing of names and data exchange in Europe, with CD-ROM (access chargeable)
  5. Decision of IT Planungsrat 2022/51 (in German)
  6. Noto Arimo
  7. Noto Latin, Greek, Cyrillic fonts, see Google, GitHub
  8. HarfBuzz text shaping library