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Portfolio for showing various tecnologies i've learned to apply through my work projects

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A portfolio for showing various tecnologies i've learned to apply through my work projects.


  • Language : TypeScript (^5.5.4)

  • Web Application framework : Vite (^5.4.1)

  • State management : @reduxjs/toolkit (^2.2.7)

  • State management : @tanstack/react-query (^5.51.24)

  • Router : @tanstack/react-router (^1.48.4)

  • Markdown Viewer : react-markdown (^9.0.1)

  • Form : react-hook-form (^7.52.2)

  • Validation : zod (^3.23.8)

  • Styling : tailwindcss (^3.4.10)

  • Lint : eslint (^8.55.0)

  • Formatting : prettier (^3.3.3)

React + TypeScript + Vite

This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.

Currently, two official plugins are available:

Expanding the ESLint configuration

If you are developing a production application, we recommend updating the configuration to enable type aware lint rules:

  • Configure the top-level parserOptions property like this:
export default {
  // other rules...
  parserOptions: {
    ecmaVersion: 'latest',
    sourceType: 'module',
    project: ['./tsconfig.json', './tsconfig.node.json'],
    tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
  • Replace plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended to plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended-type-checked or plugin:@typescript-eslint/strict-type-checked
  • Optionally add plugin:@typescript-eslint/stylistic-type-checked
  • Install eslint-plugin-react and add plugin:react/recommended & plugin:react/jsx-runtime to the extends list

Generating CSS for markdown

Libraries used to obtain markdown CSS

Setup the file to generate based on the markdown file you want.

import * as fs from 'fs';
import githubMarkdownCss from 'generate-github-markdown-css';

  // The theme to use for light theme.
  light: 'light',
  // The theme to use for dark theme.
  dark: 'dark',
  // If `true`, will return a list of available themes instead of the CSS.
  list: false,
  // If `true`, will preserve the block of variables for a given theme even if
  // only exporting one theme. By default, variables are applied to the rules
  // themselves and the resulting CSS will not contain any `var(--variable)`.
  preserveVariables: false,
  // Only output the color variables part of the CSS. Forces
  // `preserveVariables` to be `true`.
  onlyVariables: false,
  // Only output the style part of the CSS without any variables. Forces
  // `preserveVariables` to be `true` and ignores the theme values.
  // Useful to get the base styles to use multiple themes.
  onlyStyles: false,
  // Set the root selector of the rendered Markdown body as it should appear
  // in the output CSS. Defaults to `.markdown-body`.
  rootSelector: '.markdown-body',
}).then((css: string | NodeJS.ArrayBufferView) => {
  fs.writeFileSync('src/github-markdown.css', css);

Use terminal to run the code.

npx tsx src/lib/generate-markdown-css.ts

Generate sha256 hash in terminal

node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(32).toString('hex'))"

Update dependencies

npx npm-check-updates -u


Portfolio for showing various tecnologies i've learned to apply through my work projects






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