This new widget is made to replace a similar widget created in the past by Alon Noy. That widget however used the not official speedtest-cli that is no longer supported. The no longer supported version of speedtest-cli has a limitation that it can only list and connect 10 geographic chosen test servers which are in most cases never the best server for your tests. And also the test results are not the best when compared with the original speedtest-cli from
Goto Click FreeBSD and find URL of newest version. pfSense-main-menu-->Diagnotics-->Command Prompt-->Execute Shell Command: (Use the URL found on the website and the FreeBSD version number in env ABI must match the version number in the URL) There is a know conflict between the not offical speedtest-cli and the offical version from You can not have both installed at the same time. See this reported issue: #2
env ABI=FreeBSD:13:x86:64 pkg add ""
pfSense-main-menu-->Diagnotics-->Command Prompt-->Execute Shell Command:
speedtest --accept-license
pfSense-main-menu-->Diagnotics-->Command Prompt-->Execute Shell Command:
speedtest --accept-gdpr
pfSense-main-menu-->Diagnotics-->Command Prompt-->Upload File: speedtest.widget.php
pfSense-main-menu-->Diagnotics-->Command Prompt-->Execute Shell Command:
mv -f /tmp/speedtest.widget.php /usr/local/www/widgets/widgets/
pfSense-main-menu-->Status-->Dashboard: Add the speedtest widget.
pfSense-main-menu-->Diagnotics-->Command Prompt-->Execute Shell Command:
pkg info | grep speedtest
pfSense-main-menu-->Diagnotics-->Command Prompt-->Execute Shell Command: (use the package name found in the first step)
pkg delete -y speedtest-
pfSense-main-menu-->Status-->Dashboard: Remove the speedtest widget.
pfSense-main-menu-->Diagnotics-->Command Prompt-->Execute Shell Command:
rm -f /usr/local/www/widgets/widgets/speedtest.widget.php