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⚒️ eval related utils
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Leolty committed Dec 20, 2023
1 parent de1ed02 commit d090ddb
Showing 1 changed file with 274 additions and 0 deletions.
274 changes: 274 additions & 0 deletions utils/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
import re
import string
import unicodedata

# parse the reuslt from header checking
def parse_header_checking_result(output):
1. "Choice: (A)" -> "(A)", "Choice: (B)" -> "(B)", "Choice: (C)" -> "(C)"
2. "(A)" -> False, "(B)" -> True, "(C)" -> False
# parse the choice
match ='\(A\)|\(B\)|\(C\)', output)

result = if match else None

# if (A) or (C), return False, if (B) return True
if "B" in result:
return True
return False

def parse_header_sorting_result(output):
Format: Sort by: Name1, Name2 -> [Name1, Name2]

# regex pattern to match the sorting criteria
pattern = r'Sort by: (.*?)(\n|$)'

match =, output, re.I) # Using re.I for case-insensitive matching
if not match:
return None

# split the captured string by commas to extract individual names
sorting_criteria =',')

# process names to optionally drop "ascending" or "descending"
names = []
for name in sorting_criteria:
name = name.strip()
if' ascending$', name, re.I):
name = re.sub(r' ascending$', '', name, flags=re.I)
elif' \(ascending\)$', name, re.I):
name = re.sub(r' \(ascending\)$', '', name, flags=re.I)
elif' descending$', name, re.I):
name = re.sub(r' descending$', '', name, flags=re.I)
elif' \(descending\)$', name, re.I):
name = re.sub(r' \(descending\)$', '', name, flags=re.I)

return names

def extract_markdown_tables(text):
Extracts markdown tables from a text.
text (str): The response text.
list: A list of markdown tables, usually only one.
# Regular expression for markdown tables
pattern = r"((?:\|.*\|\s*\n?)+)"
tables = re.findall(pattern, text)

# Strip any leading/trailing white spaces from the tables
tables = [table.strip() for table in tables]

return tables

def normalize_md_table(table):
Normalizes a markdown table by removing markdown syntax and extra white space.
table (str): The markdown table.
str: The normalized markdown table.
# Split the table into lines
lines = table.strip().split("\n")

# Filter out the lines that only contain '|', '-', and spaces
lines = [line for line in lines if not set(line.strip()).issubset({"|", "-", " "})]

# Remove markdown symbols and strip extra white space from each line
lines = [line.replace("|", "").strip() for line in lines]

# Split cells by spaces, remove empty cells and join them again
lines = [' '.join(filter(None, line.split(" "))) for line in lines]

return lines

def check_md_tables_equal(pred, target):
Checks if two markdown tables are equal.
pred (str): The predicted markdown table.
target (str): The target markdown table.
bool: Whether the two tables are equal.

return normalize_md_table(pred) == normalize_md_table(target)

def count_rows_columns_markdown_table(markdown_table):
lines = markdown_table.strip().split('\n')

# check whether delimiter line exists
delimiter_line_exists = False
for line in lines:
if set(line.strip()) == set(['-', '|', ' ']):
delimiter_line_exists = True

# get number of rows
if delimiter_line_exists:
row_count = len(lines) - 1
row_count = len(lines)

# get number of columns
column_count = lines[0].count("|") - 1 # excluding extra '|' at start and end

return row_count, column_count

def extract_answer(text:str, patterns:list = [r"Final Answer: (.*)", r": (.*)", r"is (.*)"], return_match_flag=False):
Extracts the answer from a response text.
text (str): The response text.
str: The extracted answer.
# Regular expression patterns
patterns = patterns
answer = None
match_flag = False

# convert text to lower case to ignore case
text = text.lower()

for pattern in patterns:
# find matches
matches = re.findall(pattern, text, re.IGNORECASE)
# if matches found, update answer with the last match
if matches:
answer = matches[-1]
if "final answer" in pattern.lower():
match_flag = True

if return_match_flag:
return answer, match_flag
return answer

if return_match_flag:
return answer, match_flag
return answer

def normalize_tabfact_answer(answer) -> bool:
if not answer:
return answer
# normalize the answer Yes/True/yes, etc. to True
if "yes" in answer.lower() or "true" in answer.lower():
return True
# normalize the answer No/False/no, etc. to False
elif "no" in answer.lower() or "false" in answer.lower():
return False
return answer

def maybe_normalize_float(span: str):
if span and (re.match(r"^[+-][0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*$", span)
or (re.match(r"^[0-9]*[.]?[0-9]*$", span))) and span != '.':
# FIXME: We did this(instead of try except) to convert a string into a float
# since the try catch will lead to an error when using 8 V100 gpus with cuda 11.0,
# and we still don't know why that could happen....
return str(float(span))
return span

def maybe_normalize_number(text: str) -> str:
units = [
"zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight",
"nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen",
"sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen",
for index, unit in enumerate(units):
if text == unit:
return str(float(index))
return text

def normalize_false_true(text: str) -> str:
if text.lower() == "false":
return "no"
elif text.lower() == "true":
return "yes"
return text

def normalize_unicode(text: str) -> str:
return unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", text)

def remove_punc(text: str) -> str:
# Step 1: Remove inner content of parentheses using regular expressions
text = re.sub(r'\([^)]*\)', '', text).strip()

# Step 2: Remove all punctuation
exclude = set(string.punctuation)
return ''.join(ch for ch in text if ch not in exclude)

def remove_articles(text: str) -> str:
return re.sub(r'\b(a|an|the)\b', ' ', text)

def eval_ex_match(pred, gold_result, log=False):
pred = pred.lower()
gold_result = gold_result.lower()

# Replace and with comma
if ' and ' in pred and '|' in gold_result:
pred = pred.replace(' and ', ', ')

pred = [span.strip() for span in pred.split(', ')]

if '|' in gold_result:
gold_result = [span.strip() for span in gold_result.split('|')]
gold_result = [span.strip() for span in gold_result.split(', ')]

pred = [normalize_unicode(normalize_false_true(maybe_normalize_number(remove_punc(remove_articles(span.strip()))))) for span in pred]
gold_result = [normalize_unicode(normalize_false_true(maybe_normalize_number(remove_punc(remove_articles(span.strip()))))) for span in gold_result]

# print(pred, ' # ', gold_result)
clean_float = True # TODO
if clean_float:
pred = [maybe_normalize_float(span) for span in pred]
gold_result = [maybe_normalize_float(span) for span in gold_result]

res = sorted(pred) == sorted(gold_result)

if not res:
# it is possible that the answer is a number, but they add a unit to it, like 1.5 m vs 1.5 or 1.5 mile vs 1.5
if len(pred) == len(gold_result) == 1:

pred_no_unit = [re.sub(r'(\d+\.?\d*) \w+', r'\1', span) for span in pred]
gold_result_no_unit = [re.sub(r'(\d+\.?\d*) \w+', r'\1', span) for span in gold_result]

pred_no_unit = [maybe_normalize_float(span) for span in pred_no_unit]
gold_result_no_unit = [maybe_normalize_float(span) for span in gold_result_no_unit]

# res = sorted(pred_no_unit) == sorted(gold_result_no_unit)

res = pred_no_unit == gold_result_no_unit

if res == 0 and log:
print(f"{pred} # {gold_result}")

return res

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