Jerboa Version
Jerboa v0.0.35-alpha
Android version + phone
Android 13
Describe the bug
When changing the account settings, the local db gets updated even when saving the settings to the server failed. Therefore there is a lot of discrepancy in the filters based on where the default filters are read from. They will remain unchanged if the request uses the defaults returned from the site response. But will use the updated defaults if read from the local db or account variable.
To Reproduce
- Change default sort & listing filter in account settings.
- Save settings and bug surfaces when the network call fails.
Please include the logs.
I added a line to to log the failure message. Seems like email is required to save the settings.
jerboa save settings com.jerboa.debug E java.lang.Exception: email_required
Due to the captcha issue, many servers have taken resort to email verification. This explains why the bug surfaced in Jerboa v0.0.35-alpha although not much change was done to this part of the app compared to the previous version.