A Legion Extension designed to connect with SleepIQ by Sleep Number Uses the sleepiq gem
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'lex-sleepiq'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install lex-sleepiq
You can manually install with a gem install lex-http
command or by adding it into your settings with something like this
"extensions": {
"sleepiq": {
"enabled": true,
"workers": 1,
"username": "*sleep_iq_username*",
"password": "*sleep_iq_password*"
runner | description | completed? |
bed | Bed functions | no |
family | used to query the family endpoint to get a summary | yes |
foundation | used to control and query foundations | no |
pump | used to control and query the pump | yes |
sleeper | Used to query the sleeper endpoint | no |
Control and query your bed. Legion::Extensions::Sleepiq::Actors::Poll
will automatically every 10 seconds. This
will include things like person in bed status and the pump pressure