A new way to display toasts in Flutter in an elegant design and animations
Support all platforms
Top and Bottom display position
Customizable background color
Multiple built-in themes
Built-in animations
Support null safety
Elegant design
Full customizable
Heartbeat animation on icons
Customizable icon size and color and display
Dismissable notification
To add cherry toast to your project add this line to your pubspec.yaml
cherry_toast: ^1.3.1
///Text widget displayed as a title in the toast
///required parameter for all toast types
final Text title;
///Text widget displayed as a description in the toast
final Text? description;
///The action button displayed below description
///by default there's no action added
final Text? action;
///indicates whether display or not the title
final bool displayTitle;
///the toast icon, it's required when using the default constructor
late IconData icon;
///the Icon color
///this parameter is only available on the default constructor
///for the built-in themes the color will be set automatically
late Color iconColor;
///background color of container
final Color backgroundColor;
///box shadow color of container
final Color shadowColor;
//Custom widget displayed at the place of the predefined icons
final Widget? iconWidget;
///the icon size
///by default is 20
///this parameter is available in default constructor
late double iconSize;
///the toast display postion, possible values
final Position toastPosition;
///The color that will be applied on the circle behind the icon
///for better rendering the action button must have the same color
late Color themeColor;
///the function invoked when clicking on the action button
final Function? actionHandler;
///The duration of the animation by default it's 1.5 seconds
final Duration animationDuration;
///the animation curve by default it's set to `Curves.ease`
final Cubic animationCurve;
///The animation type applied on the toast
final AnimationType animationType;
///indicates whether the toast will be hidden automatically or not
final bool autoDismiss;
///the duration of the toast if [autoDismiss] is true
///by default it's 3 seconds
final Duration toastDuration;
///the layout of the toast
final ToastLayout layout;
///Display / Hide the close button icon
///by default it's true
final bool displayCloseButton;
///define the border radius applied on the toast
///by default it's 20
final double borderRadius;
///Define whether the icon will be rendered or not
final bool displayIcon;
///Define wether the animation on the icon will be rendered or not
final bool enableIconAnimation;
- Simple cherry toast with only title
title: "The simplest cherry toast"
- Simple cherry toast with action button
title: "User added",
action: "Display information",
actionHandler: (){
print("Action button pressed");
A new way to display toasts in Flutter in an elegant design and animations
- Toast with description without title
title: "",
displayTitle: false,
description: "All information may be deleted after this action",
action: "Backup data",
actionHandler: (){
print("Hello World!!");
- Toast with nothing but description with different animation type and auto dismiss
title: "",
displayTitle: false,
description: "Invalid account information",
animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000),
autoDismiss: true
- Bottom displayed cherry toast
icon: Icons.alarm_add,
themeColor: Colors.pink,
title: "",
displayTitle: false,
description: "A bottom cherry toast example",
toastPosition: POSITION.BOTTOM,
animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000),
autoDismiss: true
- Right layout rendered cherry toast
icon: Icon(Icons.car_repair),
themeColor: Colors.green,
title: "",
displayTitle: false,
description: "هذا مثال تصميم من اليمين",
toastPosition: POSITION.BOTTOM,
action: "انقر هنا",
actionStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.green),
animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 1000),
autoDismiss: true)
Of course the project is open source, and you can contribute to it repository link
If you found a bug, open an issue.
If you have a feature request, open an issue.
If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.