This repository implements a protocol for clear signing transactions of a specific format that the bitcoin app does not support.
The Foo protocol expect transactions that are just like nmormal transactions (inputs and change outputs from a standard account compliant to BIP-44, BIP-49, BIP-84 or BIP-86), plus in additionn:
- a special 'magic input' that is a P2TR UTXO with taproot public key at a the fixed derivation path
. - an
output with the messageFOO
The app's UX validates that the transaction satisfies this protocol, and shows all the transaction details in the UX.
Initialize the submodule with
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
Compile the app as usual. You should be able to launch it using speculos.
Create a Python virtual environment and install the requirements:
$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r tests/requirements.txt
Launch the test suite; for example, if you compiled the app for Ledger Flex:
$ pytest --device=flex