Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) Ed25519 derivation using pynacl
pynacl>=1.4.0 # For https://github.com/pyca/pynacl/commit/0e2ae90ac8bdc8f3cddf04d58a71da68678e6816
from HDEd25519_nacl import BIP32Ed25519
mnemonic = "abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about"
((kL, kR), A, c) = BIP32Ed25519.derive_mnemonic("42'/1/2", test_mnemonic)
# (kL, kR) is a private key, A is a public key associated with kL, c is the chaincode
"BIP32-Ed25519 Hierarchical Deterministic Keys over a Non-linear Keyspace" paper from Dmitry Khovratovich and Jason Law https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot3-sf/blob/25271ade6407bee069c9db05d15c209daed3cf81/topics-and-advance-readings/HDKeys-Ed25519.pdf
This file updates https://github.com/LedgerHQ/orakolo/blob/master/src/python/orakolo/HDEd25519.py with code which is tested, typed and uses robust cryptography.
This file is formatted using "black --line-length=120"
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pip install coverage
coverage run --source . --module HDEd25519_nacl
coverage report --show-missing
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