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Collection of LeetCode questions asked in Computer Science interviews (Categorized by Company Name)

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Company Interview Questions

Collection of LeetCode questions asked in Computer Science interviews (Categorized by Company Name)


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard 23.9% 0.121
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 1.508
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 43.2% 0.011
7 Reverse Integer Easy 24.4% 0.031
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.256
12 Integer to Roman Medium 47.7% 0.013
8 String to Integer (atoi) Medium 14.1% 0.007
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy 44.4% 0.005
175 Combine Two Tables Easy 45.2% 0.013
13 Roman to Integer Easy 49.5% 0.054
85 Maximal Rectangle Hard 30.8% 0.029
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.009
44 Wildcard Matching Hard 21.6% 0.019
78 Subsets Medium 47.8% 0.019
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 0.006
11 Container With Most Water Medium 38.9% 0.051
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.09
15 3Sum Medium 22.1% 0.018
14 Longest Common Prefix Easy 32.0% 0.013
16 3Sum Closest Medium 32.6% 0.011
53 Maximum Subarray Easy 41.3% 0.011
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Medium 52.3% 0.006
9 Palindrome Number Easy 38.5% 0.005
771 Jewels and Stones Easy 81.7% 0.071
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium 25.6% 0.029
22 Generate Parentheses Medium 50.2% 0.008
41 First Missing Positive Hard 26.8% 0.03
262 Trips and Users Hard 21.1% 0.141
67 Add Binary Easy 35.8% 0.01
657 Robot Return to Origin Easy 69.1% 0.011
138 Copy List with Random Pointer Medium 25.6% 0.024
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Easy 49.2% 0.018
114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Medium 38.6% 0.014
695 Max Area of Island Easy 53.1% 0.015


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.006
15 3Sum Medium 22.1% 0.004
19 Remove Nth Node From End of List Medium 33.6% 0.006


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
736 Parse Lisp Expression Hard 41.6% 0.205
695 Max Area of Island Easy 53.1% 0.059
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.009
713 Subarray Product Less Than K Medium 33.5% 0.043


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
751 IP to CIDR Easy 52.3% 0.209
42 Trapping Rain Water Hard 39.2% 0.02
11 Container With Most Water Medium 38.9% 0.013
39 Combination Sum Medium 43.7% 0.064
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.032
336 Palindrome Pairs Hard 28.1% 1.376
787 Cheapest Flights Within K Stops Medium 30.5% 0.328
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.007
269 Alien Dictionary Hard 27.6% 0.186
773 Sliding Puzzle Hard 46.9% 0.188
829 Consecutive Numbers Sum Medium 28.1% 0.089
7 Reverse Integer Easy 24.4% 0.003
251 Flatten 2D Vector Medium 42.1% 0.295
755 Pour Water Medium 35.7% 0.467
341 Flatten Nested List Iterator Medium 44.4% 0.076
16 3Sum Closest Medium 32.6% 0.011
76 Minimum Window Substring Hard 28.2% 0.075
68 Text Justification Hard 21.0% 0.041
843 Guess the Word Hard 36.3% 0.06

Akuna Capital

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.004


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.006
274 H-Index Medium 34.1% 0
168 Excel Sheet Column Title Easy 27.9% 0.02
171 Excel Sheet Column Number Easy 49.7% 0.015


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
9 Palindrome Number Easy 38.5% 0.011
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.243
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.012
53 Maximum Subarray Easy 41.3% 0.031
15 3Sum Medium 22.1% 0.005
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 43.2% 0.011
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard 30.3% 0.029
138 Copy List with Random Pointer Medium 25.6% 0.024
45 Jump Game II Hard 26.4% 0.019
49 Group Anagrams Medium 41.3% 0.008
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.016
344 Reverse String Easy 61.5% 0.006
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium 25.6% 0.011
695 Max Area of Island Easy 53.1% 0.015
179 Largest Number Medium 24.3% 0.023
7 Reverse Integer Easy 24.4% 0.014
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.071
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Easy 49.2% 0.008
50 Pow(x, n) Medium 26.6% 0.009
141 Linked List Cycle Easy 34.6% 0.007
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 0.024
70 Climbing Stairs Easy 42.1% 0.007
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 32.1% 0.015
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard 23.9% 0.014
58 Length of Last Word Easy 32.1% 0.013
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.02
415 Add Strings Easy 42.1% 0.024
139 Word Break Medium 32.6% 0.008
221 Maximal Square Medium 31.2% 0.024
11 Container With Most Water Medium 38.9% 0.006
62 Unique Paths Medium 44.4% 0.01
446 Arithmetic Slices II - Subsequence Hard 28.1% 0.166


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.521
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.035
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.106
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard 23.9% 0.039
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium 25.6% 0.133
7 Reverse Integer Easy 24.4% 0.003
8 String to Integer (atoi) Medium 14.1% 0.028
9 Palindrome Number Easy 38.5% 0.011
11 Container With Most Water Medium 38.9% 0.006
12 Integer to Roman Medium 47.7% 0.049
13 Roman to Integer Easy 49.5% 0.054
16 3Sum Closest Medium 32.6% 0.011
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium 38.2% 0.059
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.035
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 43.2% 0.093
22 Generate Parentheses Medium 50.2% 0.049
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard 30.3% 0.638
24 Swap Nodes in Pairs Medium 40.9% 0.026
25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Hard 33.3% 0.017
27 Remove Element Easy 42.0% 0.008
31 Next Permutation Medium 29.3% 0.067
32 Longest Valid Parentheses Hard 23.8% 0.03
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 32.1% 0.015
34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array Medium 32.0% 0.01
36 Valid Sudoku Medium 39.5% 0.013
39 Combination Sum Medium 43.7% 0.064
41 First Missing Positive Hard 26.8% 0.03
42 Trapping Rain Water Hard 39.2% 0.316
45 Jump Game II Hard 26.4% 0.019
46 Permutations Medium 50.1% 0.008
48 Rotate Image Medium 44.1% 0.011
49 Group Anagrams Medium 41.3% 0.018
50 Pow(x, n) Medium 26.6% 0.055
51 N-Queens Hard 35.3% 0.025
53 Maximum Subarray Easy 41.3% 0.059
54 Spiral Matrix Medium 28.2% 0.06
55 Jump Game Medium 30.2% 0.011
56 Merge Intervals Medium 33.1% 0.062
59 Spiral Matrix II Medium 43.1% 0.023
60 Permutation Sequence Medium 30.7% 0.025
63 Unique Paths II Medium 32.6% 0.014
64 Minimum Path Sum Medium 43.0% 0.012
67 Add Binary Easy 35.8% 0.01
69 Sqrt(x) Easy 29.5% 0.019
70 Climbing Stairs Easy 42.1% 0.1
71 Simplify Path Medium 27.1% 0.028
72 Edit Distance Hard 34.2% 0.037
73 Set Matrix Zeroes Medium 37.6% 0.056
74 Search a 2D Matrix Medium 34.4% 0.092
75 Sort Colors Medium 40.0% 0.011
76 Minimum Window Substring Hard 28.2% 0.075
78 Subsets Medium 47.8% 0.019
79 Word Search Medium 29.0% 0.126
84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram Hard 28.7% 0.04
88 Merge Sorted Array Easy 33.3% 0.017
91 Decode Ways Medium 21.0% 0.09
93 Restore IP Addresses Medium 29.4% 0.103
97 Interleaving String Hard 26.1% 0.035
98 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium 24.4% 0.038
99 Recover Binary Search Tree Hard 32.3% 0.032
100 Same Tree Easy 48.5% 0.018
101 Symmetric Tree Easy 41.4% 0.046
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium 44.7% 0.046
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Medium 38.5% 0.13
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Easy 56.9% 0.006
110 Balanced Binary Tree Easy 39.2% 0.011
111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Easy 34.1% 0.011
112 Path Sum Easy 35.9% 0.023
113 Path Sum II Medium 37.5% 0.015
117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II Medium 33.5% 0.019
120 Triangle Medium 36.5% 0.019
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy 44.4% 0.061
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Easy 49.2% 0.018
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Hard 28.0% 0.033
125 Valid Palindrome Easy 28.5% 0.008
126 Word Ladder II Hard 15.7% 0.058
127 Word Ladder Medium 21.1% 0.469
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence Hard 39.4% 0.033
130 Surrounded Regions Medium 20.8% 0.02
131 Palindrome Partitioning Medium 37.5% 0.025
133 Clone Graph Medium 25.1% 0.132
134 Gas Station Medium 31.3% 0.089
136 Single Number Easy 57.0% 0.006
138 Copy List with Random Pointer Medium 25.6% 0.827
139 Word Break Medium 32.6% 0.127
140 Word Break II Hard 25.4% 0.285
141 Linked List Cycle Easy 34.6% 0.027
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 1.376
149 Max Points on a Line Hard 15.3% 0.028
150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Medium 29.8% 0.043
151 Reverse Words in a String Medium 15.7% 0.011
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 41.6% 0.011
155 Min Stack Easy 33.2% 0.081
160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists Easy 30.7% 0.036
165 Compare Version Numbers Medium 21.6% 0.187
167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted Easy 47.6% 0.059
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator Medium 44.6% 0.014
176 Second Highest Salary Easy 24.4% 0.015
179 Largest Number Medium 24.3% 0.023
186 Reverse Words in a String II Medium 33.5% 0.035
198 House Robber Easy 40.4% 0.008
199 Binary Tree Right Side View Medium 44.3% 0.099
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 1.263
203 Remove Linked List Elements Easy 34.2% 0.014
204 Count Primes Easy 27.1% 0.028
206 Reverse Linked List Easy 49.4% 0.011
207 Course Schedule Medium 34.9% 0.052
208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Medium 33.6% 0.034
210 Course Schedule II Medium 31.7% 0.075
211 Add and Search Word - Data structure design Medium 27.0% 0.028
212 Word Search II Hard 25.9% 0.093
215 Kth Largest Element in an Array Medium 42.9% 0.071
221 Maximal Square Medium 31.2% 0.141
224 Basic Calculator Hard 29.9% 0.1
230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST Medium 47.5% 0.079
231 Power of Two Easy 41.1% 0.039
232 Implement Queue using Stacks Easy 39.7% 0.024
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Easy 41.3% 0.051
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Medium 32.0% 0.107
238 Product of Array Except Self Medium 51.7% 0.08
239 Sliding Window Maximum Hard 35.4% 0.427
240 Search a 2D Matrix II Medium 39.4% 0.274
242 Valid Anagram Easy 48.9% 0.01
251 Flatten 2D Vector Medium 42.1% 0.053
252 Meeting Rooms Easy 49.8% 0.026
253 Meeting Rooms II Medium 40.1% 0.08
257 Binary Tree Paths Easy 43.1% 0.014
261 Graph Valid Tree Medium 38.8% 0.038
268 Missing Number Easy 46.1% 0.041
269 Alien Dictionary Hard 27.6% 0.421
273 Integer to English Words Hard 23.1% 0.113
285 Inorder Successor in BST Medium 33.9% 0.024
286 Walls and Gates Medium 46.5% 0.041
287 Find the Duplicate Number Medium 46.0% 0.027
289 Game of Life Medium 39.6% 0.022
295 Find Median from Data Stream Hard 31.7% 0.458
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard 36.7% 0.164
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence Medium 39.3% 0.024
312 Burst Balloons Hard 44.5% 0.037
314 Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal Medium 38.7% 0.13
315 Count of Smaller Numbers After Self Hard 35.6% 0.072
317 Shortest Distance from All Buildings Hard 35.3% 0.07
322 Coin Change Medium 27.3% 0.138
329 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix Hard 37.8% 0.03
341 Flatten Nested List Iterator Medium 44.4% 0.02
347 Top K Frequent Elements Medium 51.0% 0.064
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Medium 40.6% 0.214
387 First Unique Character in a String Easy 47.6% 0.116
394 Decode String Medium 42.2% 0.02
445 Add Two Numbers II Medium 47.4% 0.024
449 Serialize and Deserialize BST Medium 43.4% 0.037
454 4Sum II Medium 48.3% 0.026
460 LFU Cache Hard 26.2% 0.099
490 The Maze Medium 44.3% 0.044
508 Most Frequent Subtree Sum Medium 52.8% 0.048
535 Encode and Decode TinyURL Medium 74.3% 0.098
543 Diameter of Binary Tree Easy 45.2% 0.049
545 Boundary of Binary Tree Medium 33.0% 0.082
572 Subtree of Another Tree Easy 40.3% 0.04
617 Merge Two Binary Trees Easy 68.4% 0.064
628 Maximum Product of Three Numbers Easy 44.8% 0.03
642 Design Search Autocomplete System Hard 31.8% 0.237
647 Palindromic Substrings Medium 54.5% 0.038
652 Find Duplicate Subtrees Medium 40.2% 0.134
653 Two Sum IV - Input is a BST Easy 50.6% 0.171
657 Robot Return to Origin Easy 69.1% 0.011
658 Find K Closest Elements Medium 34.8% 0.029
669 Trim a Binary Search Tree Easy 58.5% 0.023
675 Cut Off Trees for Golf Event Hard 27.5% 0.229
682 Baseball Game Easy 58.6% 0.035
692 Top K Frequent Words Medium 42.4% 0.259
694 Number of Distinct Islands Medium 46.3% 0.154
695 Max Area of Island Easy 53.1% 0.129
733 Flood Fill Easy 48.0% 0.027
739 Daily Temperatures Medium 55.3% 0.039
746 Min Cost Climbing Stairs Easy 44.1% 0.018
763 Partition Labels Medium 65.3% 0.171
767 Reorganize String Medium 38.9% 0.031
703 Kth Largest Element in a Stream Easy 35.6% 0.07
785 Is Graph Bipartite? Medium 39.9% 0.026
787 Cheapest Flights Within K Stops Medium 30.5% 0.031
819 Most Common Word Easy 43.9% 3.167
622 Design Circular Queue Medium 36.4% 0.03
836 Rectangle Overlap Easy 43.7% 0.069
860 Lemonade Change Easy 49.4% 0.031
863 All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree Medium 41.7% 0.108


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 0.006


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
206 Reverse Linked List Easy 49.4% 0.02
8 String to Integer (atoi) Medium 14.1% 0.016
237 Delete Node in a Linked List Easy 49.3% 0.025
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 32.1% 0.007
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard 30.3% 0.029
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.007
53 Maximum Subarray Easy 41.3% 0.031
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 43.2% 0.005
125 Valid Palindrome Easy 28.5% 0.018
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.124
238 Product of Array Except Self Medium 51.7% 0.056
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Medium 32.0% 0.021
382 Linked List Random Node Medium 47.9% 0.058
54 Spiral Matrix Medium 28.2% 0.06
139 Word Break Medium 32.6% 0.019
49 Group Anagrams Medium 41.3% 0.008
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.46
101 Symmetric Tree Easy 41.4% 0.007
403 Frog Jump Hard 33.6% 0.186
56 Merge Intervals Medium 33.1% 0.062
55 Jump Game Medium 30.2% 0.011
341 Flatten Nested List Iterator Medium 44.4% 0.043
486 Predict the Winner Medium 45.6% 0.034
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 0.013
387 First Unique Character in a String Easy 47.6% 0.017
295 Find Median from Data Stream Hard 31.7% 0.051
10 Regular Expression Matching Hard 24.4% 0.022
315 Count of Smaller Numbers After Self Hard 35.6% 0.072
165 Compare Version Numbers Medium 21.6% 0.05
120 Triangle Medium 36.5% 0.019
190 Reverse Bits Easy 29.3% 0.075
191 Number of 1 Bits Easy 40.9% 0.015
242 Valid Anagram Easy 48.9% 0.01
412 Fizz Buzz Easy 58.0% 0.011
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium 38.2% 0.007
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.019
68 Text Justification Hard 21.0% 0.09
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium 44.7% 0.046
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence Medium 39.3% 0.011
76 Minimum Window Substring Hard 28.2% 0.012
724 Find Pivot Index Easy 39.4% 0.017
543 Diameter of Binary Tree Easy 45.2% 0.012
249 Group Shifted Strings Medium 46.1% 0.055
108 Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree Easy 46.6% 0.011
692 Top K Frequent Words Medium 42.4% 0.024
208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Medium 33.6% 0.034
281 Zigzag Iterator Medium 54.0% 0.052
215 Kth Largest Element in an Array Medium 42.9% 0.008
479 Largest Palindrome Product Easy 26.1% 0.141
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Medium 40.6% 0.019
155 Min Stack Easy 33.2% 0.009
199 Binary Tree Right Side View Medium 44.3% 0.016
116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node Medium 36.6% 0.016
706 Design HashMap Easy 44.3% 0.037

Arista Networks

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 43.2% 0.011
165 Compare Version Numbers Medium 21.6% 0.023
268 Missing Number Easy 46.1% 0.011


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.009
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.018
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.077
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.004
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium 25.6% 0.005
145 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal Hard 44.4% 0.014
169 Majority Element Easy 49.6% 0.01
206 Reverse Linked List Easy 49.4% 0.02
54 Spiral Matrix Medium 28.2% 0.01
141 Linked List Cycle Easy 34.6% 0.007
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard 23.9% 0.025
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.007
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 32.1% 0.015
72 Edit Distance Hard 34.2% 0.065
48 Rotate Image Medium 44.1% 0.011
347 Top K Frequent Elements Medium 51.0% 0.011
148 Sort List Medium 31.8% 0.046
80 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II Medium 38.2% 0.019
724 Find Pivot Index Easy 39.4% 0.017
88 Merge Sorted Array Easy 33.3% 0.007


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.004
238 Product of Array Except Self Medium 51.7% 0.009


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.013


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
387 First Unique Character in a String Easy 47.6% 0.008
205 Isomorphic Strings Easy 35.5% 0.03
70 Climbing Stairs Easy 42.1% 0.015
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.155
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.026
138 Copy List with Random Pointer Medium 25.6% 0.279
98 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium 24.4% 0.025
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 0.024
242 Valid Anagram Easy 48.9% 0.06
463 Island Perimeter Easy 58.6% 0.018
347 Top K Frequent Elements Medium 51.0% 0.041
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium 44.7% 0.008
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy 44.4% 0.061
451 Sort Characters By Frequency Medium 52.9% 0.054
283 Move Zeroes Easy 52.4% 0.013
698 Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets Medium 38.7% 0.038
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 32.1% 0.015
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.106
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Medium 40.6% 0.019
582 Kill Process Medium 52.6% 0.137
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Easy 37.8% 0.005
60 Permutation Sequence Medium 30.7% 0.025
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 41.6% 0.011
10 Regular Expression Matching Hard 24.4% 0.039
42 Trapping Rain Water Hard 39.2% 0.054
554 Brick Wall Medium 46.8% 0.062
253 Meeting Rooms II Medium 40.1% 0.08
162 Find Peak Element Medium 39.7% 0.027
62 Unique Paths Medium 44.4% 0.01
105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Medium 36.7% 0.048
80 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II Medium 38.2% 0.019
412 Fizz Buzz Easy 58.0% 0.024
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.206
139 Word Break Medium 32.6% 0.051
234 Palindrome Linked List Easy 34.2% 0.01
46 Permutations Medium 50.1% 0.017
836 Rectangle Overlap Easy 43.7% 0.031
118 Pascal's Triangle Easy 42.1% 0.013
25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Hard 33.3% 0.017
821 Shortest Distance to a Character Easy 60.7% 0.029
572 Subtree of Another Tree Easy 40.3% 0.018
724 Find Pivot Index Easy 39.4% 0.017
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard 30.3% 0.016
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Easy 41.3% 0.013
7 Reverse Integer Easy 24.4% 0.042
155 Min Stack Easy 33.2% 0.021
301 Remove Invalid Parentheses Hard 36.5% 0.081
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Medium 32.0% 0.009
445 Add Two Numbers II Medium 47.4% 0.024
140 Word Break II Hard 25.4% 0.045
311 Sparse Matrix Multiplication Medium 53.7% 0.071
239 Sliding Window Maximum Hard 35.4% 0.039
739 Daily Temperatures Medium 55.3% 0.068
811 Subdomain Visit Count Easy 61.2% 0.031
797 All Paths From Source to Target Medium 67.2% 0.051
203 Remove Linked List Elements Easy 34.2% 0.014
127 Word Ladder Medium 21.1% 0.012
567 Permutation in String Medium 36.6% 0.033
394 Decode String Medium 42.2% 0.045
460 LFU Cache Hard 26.2% 0.045


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
289 Game of Life Medium 39.6% 0.044


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
250 Count Univalue Subtrees Medium 45.7% 0.203

Capital One

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
98 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium 24.4% 0.025
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.003
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard 30.3% 0.029
273 Integer to English Words Hard 23.1% 0.042


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.007
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.015
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.009
253 Meeting Rooms II Medium 40.1% 0.013


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
188 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV Hard 25.3% 0.036
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy 44.4% 0.005
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Easy 49.2% 0.008


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
14 Longest Common Prefix Easy 32.0% 0.006


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator Medium 44.6% 0.082
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.035
13 Roman to Integer Easy 49.5% 0.014
476 Number Complement Easy 61.4% 0.028


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard 30.3% 0.007
32 Longest Valid Parentheses Hard 23.8% 0.014


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
10 Regular Expression Matching Hard 24.4% 0.022
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.004
68 Text Justification Hard 21.0% 0.091
761 Special Binary String Hard 45.3% 0.278

Cryptic Studios

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
742 Closest Leaf in a Binary Tree Medium 35.9% 0.107
41 First Missing Positive Hard 26.8% 0.03


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
42 Trapping Rain Water Hard 39.2% 0.008
54 Spiral Matrix Medium 28.2% 0.009

Deutsche Bank

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.003


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 0.006
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy 44.4% 0.005


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
697 Degree of an Array Easy 47.3% 0.204
402 Remove K Digits Medium 25.6% 0.06
757 Set Intersection Size At Least Two Hard 34.8% 0.478
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.002


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
291 Word Pattern II Hard 39.0% 0.1
289 Game of Life Medium 39.6% 0.653
609 Find Duplicate File in System Medium 52.9% 1.748
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard 30.3% 0.007
379 Design Phone Directory Medium 37.9% 0.241
362 Design Hit Counter Medium 56.1% 0.059


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
232 Implement Queue using Stacks Easy 39.7% 0.024
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.009
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.002
15 3Sum Medium 22.1% 0.005
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 0.013
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Medium 38.5% 0.025
66 Plus One Easy 40.0% 0.006
344 Reverse String Easy 61.5% 0.006
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium 44.7% 0.008
702 Search in a Sorted Array of Unknown Size Medium 40.0% 0.122
703 Kth Largest Element in a Stream Easy 35.6% 0.032


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 43.2% 0.005
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.003
139 Word Break Medium 32.6% 0.008
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 41.6% 0.011
206 Reverse Linked List Easy 49.5% 0.011

Epic Systems

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
54 Spiral Matrix Medium 28.2% 0.039
306 Additive Number Medium 27.9% 0.099
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.007
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.003


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
152 Maximum Product Subarray Medium 27.5% 0.012
238 Product of Array Except Self Medium 51.7% 0.021
32 Longest Valid Parentheses Hard 23.8% 0.014
206 Reverse Linked List Easy 49.5% 0.005


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.099
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.003
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.09
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard 23.9% 0.056
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium 25.6% 0.005
7 Reverse Integer Easy 24.4% 0.003
8 String to Integer (atoi) Medium 14.1% 0.028
10 Regular Expression Matching Hard 24.4% 1.026
11 Container With Most Water Medium 38.9% 0.006
12 Integer to Roman Medium 47.7% 0.013
13 Roman to Integer Easy 49.5% 0.054
15 3Sum Medium 22.1% 1.496
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium 38.2% 0.251
18 4Sum Medium 28.3% 0.056
19 Remove Nth Node From End of List Medium 33.6% 0.015
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.202
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 43.2% 0.043
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard 30.3% 0.202
24 Swap Nodes in Pairs Medium 40.9% 0.011
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Easy 37.8% 0.018
29 Divide Two Integers Medium 15.7% 0.883
30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words Hard 22.4% 0.068
31 Next Permutation Medium 29.3% 1.059
32 Longest Valid Parentheses Hard 23.8% 0.156
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 32.1% 0.079
34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array Medium 32.0% 0.06
38 Count and Say Easy 37.9% 0.011
39 Combination Sum Medium 43.7% 0.01
42 Trapping Rain Water Hard 39.2% 0.236
43 Multiply Strings Medium 28.7% 0.219
44 Wildcard Matching Hard 21.6% 0.043
46 Permutations Medium 50.1% 0.017
49 Group Anagrams Medium 41.3% 0.008
50 Pow(x, n) Medium 26.6% 0.169
51 N-Queens Hard 35.3% 0.149
52 N-Queens II Hard 48.7% 0.036
53 Maximum Subarray Easy 41.3% 0.031
56 Merge Intervals Medium 33.1% 0.623
57 Insert Interval Hard 29.7% 0.079
65 Valid Number Hard 13.1% 0.79
67 Add Binary Easy 35.8% 0.978
75 Sort Colors Medium 40.0% 0.024
76 Minimum Window Substring Hard 28.2% 0.699
78 Subsets Medium 47.8% 0.019
79 Word Search Medium 29.0% 0.011
81 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II Medium 32.4% 0.018
84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram Hard 28.7% 0.018
88 Merge Sorted Array Easy 33.3% 0.349
91 Decode Ways Medium 21.0% 1.161
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal Medium 52.3% 0.006
98 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium 24.4% 0.445
99 Recover Binary Search Tree Hard 32.3% 0.183
101 Symmetric Tree Easy 41.4% 0.017
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium 44.7% 0.017
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Medium 38.5% 0.068
105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Medium 36.7% 0.012
109 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree Medium 37.4% 0.021
110 Balanced Binary Tree Easy 39.2% 0.011
111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree Easy 34.1% 0.024
113 Path Sum II Medium 37.5% 0.015
114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List Medium 38.6% 0.084
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy 44.4% 0.911
123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III Hard 31.5% 0.088
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Hard 28.0% 0.544
125 Valid Palindrome Easy 28.5% 0.375
126 Word Ladder II Hard 15.7% 0.026
127 Word Ladder Medium 21.1% 0.073
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence Hard 39.4% 0.058
129 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers Medium 39.5% 0.02
133 Clone Graph Medium 25.1% 0.389
136 Single Number Easy 57.0% 0.006
137 Single Number II Medium 43.8% 0.032
138 Copy List with Random Pointer Medium 25.6% 0.064
139 Word Break Medium 32.6% 0.192
140 Word Break II Hard 25.4% 0.02
141 Linked List Cycle Easy 34.6% 0.007
143 Reorder List Medium 28.1% 0.661
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.415
151 Reverse Words in a String Medium 15.7% 0.025
157 Read N Characters Given Read4 Easy 28.2% 0.036
158 Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times Hard 24.3% 0.966
160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists Easy 30.7% 0.009
161 One Edit Distance Medium 31.3% 0.086
162 Find Peak Element Medium 39.7% 0.047
170 Two Sum III - Data structure design Easy 27.8% 0.043
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator Medium 44.6% 0.743
176 Second Highest Salary Easy 24.4% 0.015
199 Binary Tree Right Side View Medium 44.3% 0.185
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 0.259
206 Reverse Linked List Easy 49.5% 0.14
207 Course Schedule Medium 34.9% 0.013
208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Medium 33.6% 0.034
209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum Medium 33.2% 0.065
210 Course Schedule II Medium 31.7% 0.043
211 Add and Search Word - Data structure design Medium 27.0% 0.454
212 Word Search II Hard 25.9% 0.024
215 Kth Largest Element in an Array Medium 42.9% 0.687
227 Basic Calculator II Medium 31.1% 0.365
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Medium 32.0% 0.417
238 Product of Array Except Self Medium 51.7% 0.419
239 Sliding Window Maximum Hard 35.4% 0.039
242 Valid Anagram Easy 48.9% 0.01
246 Strobogrammatic Number Easy 40.8% 0.268
247 Strobogrammatic Number II Medium 41.9% 0.287
252 Meeting Rooms Easy 49.8% 0.101
253 Meeting Rooms II Medium 40.1% 1.074
257 Binary Tree Paths Easy 43.1% 0.354
259 3Sum Smaller Medium 43.1% 0.054
260 Single Number III Medium 54.5% 0.039
261 Graph Valid Tree Medium 38.8% 0.038
269 Alien Dictionary Hard 27.6% 0.337
270 Closest Binary Search Tree Value Easy 41.7% 0.062
273 Integer to English Words Hard 23.1% 2.527
277 Find the Celebrity Medium 35.2% 0.529
278 First Bad Version Easy 27.1% 0.541
280 Wiggle Sort Medium 59.4% 0.032
281 Zigzag Iterator Medium 54.0% 0.052
282 Expression Add Operators Hard 31.1% 0.264
283 Move Zeroes Easy 52.4% 0.422
286 Walls and Gates Medium 46.5% 0.091
295 Find Median from Data Stream Hard 31.7% 0.023
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard 36.7% 0.778
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence Medium 39.3% 0.066
301 Remove Invalid Parentheses Hard 36.5% 2.373
304 Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable Medium 28.9% 0.257
305 Number of Islands II Hard 40.2% 0.101
314 Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal Medium 38.7% 0.197
317 Shortest Distance from All Buildings Hard 35.3% 0.255
325 Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k Medium 43.5% 0.432
336 Palindrome Pairs Hard 28.1% 0.186
339 Nested List Weight Sum Easy 64.9% 0.036
340 Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters Hard 38.4% 0.032
341 Flatten Nested List Iterator Medium 44.4% 0.043
346 Moving Average from Data Stream Easy 62.2% 0.089
347 Top K Frequent Elements Medium 51.0% 0.024
348 Design Tic-Tac-Toe Medium 46.9% 0.168
349 Intersection of Two Arrays Easy 49.8% 0.558
350 Intersection of Two Arrays II Easy 44.8% 0.231
360 Sort Transformed Array Medium 45.5% 0.067
371 Sum of Two Integers Easy 50.9% 0.02
381 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed Hard 30.1% 0.219
387 First Unique Character in a String Easy 47.6% 0.09
393 UTF-8 Validation Medium 34.9% 0.054
395 Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters Medium 36.3% 0.088
398 Random Pick Index Medium 46.3% 0.101
399 Evaluate Division Medium 43.4% 0.128
403 Frog Jump Hard 33.6% 0.071
415 Add Strings Easy 42.1% 0.257
432 All O`one Data Structure Hard 28.2% 0.205
437 Path Sum III Easy 40.5% 0.046
438 Find All Anagrams in a String Easy 34.4% 0.993
449 Serialize and Deserialize BST Medium 43.4% 0.081
463 Island Perimeter Easy 58.6% 0.071
468 Validate IP Address Medium 20.5% 0.055
490 The Maze Medium 44.3% 0.044
491 Increasing Subsequences Medium 39.7% 0.113
493 Reverse Pairs Hard 21.1% 0.121
498 Diagonal Traverse Medium 44.3% 0.077
505 The Maze II Medium 39.7% 0.066
518 Coin Change 2 Medium 38.0% 0.028
523 Continuous Subarray Sum Medium 23.5% 0.462
543 Diameter of Binary Tree Easy 45.2% 0.644
560 Subarray Sum Equals K Medium 40.1% 0.529
567 Permutation in String Medium 36.6% 0.072
597 Friend Requests I: Overall Acceptance Rate Easy 37.8% 0.135
621 Task Scheduler Medium 42.8% 1.229
636 Exclusive Time of Functions Medium 45.4% 0.184
642 Design Search Autocomplete System Hard 31.8% 0.065
647 Palindromic Substrings Medium 54.5% 0.038
658 Find K Closest Elements Medium 34.8% 0.029
674 Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence Easy 42.9% 0.055
680 Valid Palindrome II Easy 32.6% 0.898
681 Next Closest Time Medium 41.3% 0.021
688 Knight Probability in Chessboard Medium 40.8% 0.06
689 Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays Hard 41.9% 0.755
692 Top K Frequent Words Medium 42.4% 0.092
721 Accounts Merge Medium 35.6% 0.412
733 Flood Fill Easy 48.0% 0.027
426 Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List Medium 37.2% 0.748
430 Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List Medium 33.5% 0.048
767 Reorganize String Medium 38.8% 0.031
772 Basic Calculator III Hard 41.6% 0.17
785 Is Graph Bipartite? Medium 39.9% 0.352
791 Custom Sort String Medium 59.4% 0.258
708 Insert into a Cyclic Sorted List Medium 22.7% 0.058
824 Goat Latin Easy 54.8% 0.075
825 Friends Of Appropriate Ages Medium 32.1% 0.222
622 Design Circular Queue Medium 36.4% 0.03
489 Robot Room Cleaner Hard 50.1% 0.093
844 Backspace String Compare Easy 43.8% 0.042
862 Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K Hard 18.8% 0.101
886 Possible Bipartition Medium 38.6% 0.045
896 Monotonic Array Easy 54.7% 0.005


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.003


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
75 Sort Colors Medium 40.0% 0.009


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
272 Closest Binary Search Tree Value II Hard 41.6% 0.07


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
810 Chalkboard XOR Game Hard 40.9% 0

Ge Digital

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
697 Degree of an Array Easy 47.4% 0

Gilt Groupe

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.005
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.003
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.003


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.003

Goldman Sachs

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
70 Climbing Stairs Easy 42.1% 0.04
8 String to Integer (atoi) Medium 14.1% 0.016
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard 23.9% 0.097
42 Trapping Rain Water Hard 39.2% 0.054
240 Search a 2D Matrix II Medium 39.4% 0.015
387 First Unique Character in a String Easy 47.6% 0.047
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 41.6% 0.067
688 Knight Probability in Chessboard Medium 40.8% 0.13
11 Container With Most Water Medium 38.9% 0.013
49 Group Anagrams Medium 41.3% 0.018
209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum Medium 33.2% 0.017
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy 44.4% 0.005
141 Linked List Cycle Easy 34.6% 0.007
64 Minimum Path Sum Medium 43.0% 0.012
443 String Compression Easy 35.8% 0.054
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 0.006
722 Remove Comments Medium 29.0% 1.051


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Hard 33.3% 0.015


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.002


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 43.2% 0.005
328 Odd Even Linked List Medium 46.4% 0.017


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.003


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.003


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
304 Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable Medium 28.9% 0.031
43 Multiply Strings Medium 28.7% 0.015


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
12 Integer to Roman Medium 47.7% 0.023
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.01
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.005
7 Reverse Integer Easy 24.4% 0.003


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
45 Jump Game II Hard 26.4% 0.043
43 Multiply Strings Medium 28.7% 0.034
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium 25.6% 0.005


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
238 Product of Array Except Self Medium 51.7% 0.009
383 Ransom Note Easy 48.4% 0.067
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.004
148 Sort List Medium 31.8% 0.021
53 Maximum Subarray Easy 41.3% 0.005


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.003
412 Fizz Buzz Easy 58.0% 0.01
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium 25.6% 0.005

Iit Bombay

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
861 Score After Flipping Matrix Medium 67.2% 0


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
88 Merge Sorted Array Easy 33.3% 0.007
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 43.2% 0.005
811 Subdomain Visit Count Easy 61.2% 0.031


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
754 Reach a Number Medium 29.0% 0


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
206 Reverse Linked List Easy 49.5% 0.011


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard 36.7% 0.014
227 Basic Calculator II Medium 31.1% 0.083
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Hard 28.0% 0.088
770 Basic Calculator IV Hard 41.7% 1.056
224 Basic Calculator Hard 29.9% 0.504
206 Reverse Linked List Easy 49.5% 0.011
15 3Sum Medium 22.1% 0.028
695 Max Area of Island Easy 53.1% 0.015
56 Merge Intervals Medium 33.1% 0.016
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.01
42 Trapping Rain Water Hard 39.2% 0.035
85 Maximal Rectangle Hard 30.8% 0.064
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy 44.4% 0.005
207 Course Schedule Medium 34.9% 0.029
38 Count and Say Easy 37.9% 0.094
13 Roman to Integer Easy 49.5% 0.038
12 Integer to Roman Medium 47.7% 0.013
67 Add Binary Easy 35.8% 0.022
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Easy 49.2% 0.018
165 Compare Version Numbers Medium 21.6% 0.023
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.036
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 43.2% 0.005


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
166 Fraction to Recurring Decimal Medium 18.5% 0.032
227 Basic Calculator II Medium 31.1% 0.022
598 Range Addition II Easy 48.0% 0.073
234 Palindrome Linked List Easy 34.2% 0.01
592 Fraction Addition and Subtraction Medium 46.1% 0.259
691 Stickers to Spell Word Hard 36.2% 0.206
39 Combination Sum Medium 43.7% 0.01

Jane Street

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.004


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
772 Basic Calculator III Hard 41.6% 0


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
9 Palindrome Number Easy 38.5% 0.011
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium 38.2% 0.015
79 Word Search Medium 29.0% 0.024

Jump Trading

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.003

Leap Motion

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
478 Generate Random Point in a Circle Medium 33.1% 0

Lending Club

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.006
7 Reverse Integer Easy 24.4% 0.003
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.003


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
366 Find Leaves of Binary Tree Medium 62.3% 0.436
149 Max Points on a Line Hard 15.3% 0.623
744 Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target Easy 42.9% 0.084
339 Nested List Weight Sum Easy 64.9% 0.37
65 Valid Number Hard 13.1% 0.047
716 Max Stack Hard 37.6% 0.853
272 Closest Binary Search Tree Value II Hard 41.6% 1.161
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 0.168
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Medium 40.6% 0.272
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.032
150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Medium 29.8% 0.162
53 Maximum Subarray Easy 41.3% 0.117
152 Maximum Product Subarray Medium 27.5% 0.074
68 Text Justification Hard 21.0% 0.233
170 Two Sum III - Data structure design Easy 27.8% 0.741
244 Shortest Word Distance II Medium 43.1% 1.334
254 Factor Combinations Medium 43.7% 0.179
12 Integer to Roman Medium 47.7% 0.049
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Easy 56.9% 0.014
50 Pow(x, n) Medium 26.6% 0.169
69 Sqrt(x) Easy 29.5% 0.008
160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists Easy 30.7% 0.009
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard 36.7% 0.123
101 Symmetric Tree Easy 41.4% 0.088
698 Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets Medium 38.7% 0.146
256 Paint House Easy 47.0% 0.439
76 Minimum Window Substring Hard 28.2% 0.012
261 Graph Valid Tree Medium 38.8% 0.083
243 Shortest Word Distance Easy 54.7% 0.47
364 Nested List Weight Sum II Medium 54.6% 1.721
46 Permutations Medium 50.1% 0.03
47 Permutations II Medium 36.9% 0.052
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.035
323 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph Medium 49.7% 0.103
695 Max Area of Island Easy 53.1% 0.034
282 Expression Add Operators Hard 31.1% 0.264
56 Merge Intervals Medium 33.1% 0.135
156 Binary Tree Upside Down Medium 47.7% 0.168
636 Exclusive Time of Functions Medium 45.4% 0.184
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.036
265 Paint House II Hard 39.4% 0.166
611 Valid Triangle Number Medium 42.6% 0.259
13 Roman to Integer Easy 49.5% 0.014
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Easy 41.3% 0.013
341 Flatten Nested List Iterator Medium 44.4% 0.163
605 Can Place Flowers Easy 30.0% 0.083
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Medium 32.0% 0.036
671 Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree Easy 42.4% 0.13
72 Edit Distance Hard 34.2% 0.017
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 32.1% 0.026
187 Repeated DNA Sequences Medium 34.1% 0.199
273 Integer to English Words Hard 23.1% 0.042
40 Combination Sum II Medium 37.9% 0.016
349 Intersection of Two Arrays Easy 49.8% 0.026
126 Word Ladder II Hard 15.7% 0.026
468 Validate IP Address Medium 20.5% 0.055
658 Find K Closest Elements Medium 34.8% 0.029
70 Climbing Stairs Easy 42.1% 0.007
796 Rotate String Easy 49.0% 0.027
81 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II Medium 32.4% 0.018
730 Count Different Palindromic Subsequences Hard 36.6% 0.334
127 Word Ladder Medium 21.1% 0.073
879 Profitable Schemes Hard 32.4% 0.152


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
91 Decode Ways Medium 21.0% 0.01
575 Distribute Candies Easy 58.4% 0.168
76 Minimum Window Substring Hard 28.2% 0.028


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
349 Intersection of Two Arrays Easy 49.8% 0.012
42 Trapping Rain Water Hard 39.2% 0.132
735 Asteroid Collision Medium 37.0% 1.401
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 0.327
126 Word Ladder II Hard 15.7% 0.026
238 Product of Array Except Self Medium 51.7% 0.559
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.009
279 Perfect Squares Medium 38.8% 0.015
7 Reverse Integer Easy 24.4% 0.003
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.004

Machine Zone

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
715 Range Module Hard 31.3% 0.106

Maq Software

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.003


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.004
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.002
138 Copy List with Random Pointer Medium 25.6% 0.011
25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Hard 33.3% 0.038
526 Beautiful Arrangement Medium 52.9% 0.068


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
31 Next Permutation Medium 29.3% 0.01


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Medium 38.5% 0.207
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 32.1% 0.079
75 Sort Colors Medium 40.0% 0.064
445 Add Two Numbers II Medium 47.4% 0.052
13 Roman to Integer Easy 49.5% 0.072
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard 30.3% 0.045
695 Max Area of Island Easy 53.1% 0.015
8 String to Integer (atoi) Medium 14.1% 0.044
133 Clone Graph Medium 25.1% 0.061
402 Remove K Digits Medium 25.6% 1.172
19 Remove Nth Node From End of List Medium 33.6% 0.015
7 Reverse Integer Easy 24.4% 0.003
138 Copy List with Random Pointer Medium 25.6% 0.673
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.088
12 Integer to Roman Medium 47.7% 0.013
43 Multiply Strings Medium 28.7% 0.034
415 Add Strings Easy 42.1% 0.024
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium 25.6% 0.029
557 Reverse Words in a String III Easy 61.6% 0.091
54 Spiral Matrix Medium 28.2% 0.114
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium 38.2% 0.041
346 Moving Average from Data Stream Easy 62.2% 0.051
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.212
636 Exclusive Time of Functions Medium 45.4% 0.07
443 String Compression Easy 35.8% 0.024
53 Maximum Subarray Easy 41.3% 0.031
207 Course Schedule Medium 34.9% 0.052
168 Excel Sheet Column Title Easy 27.9% 0.083
42 Trapping Rain Water Hard 39.2% 0.02
273 Integer to English Words Hard 23.1% 0.074
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.17
277 Find the Celebrity Medium 35.2% 0.161
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Easy 49.2% 0.008
253 Meeting Rooms II Medium 40.1% 0.505
206 Reverse Linked List Easy 49.5% 0.076
24 Swap Nodes in Pairs Medium 40.9% 0.169
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 43.2% 0.137
72 Edit Distance Hard 34.2% 0.017
56 Merge Intervals Medium 33.1% 0.007
229 Majority Element II Medium 30.2% 0.45
283 Move Zeroes Easy 52.4% 0.006
212 Word Search II Hard 25.9% 0.053
88 Merge Sorted Array Easy 33.3% 0.17
14 Longest Common Prefix Easy 32.0% 0.006
328 Odd Even Linked List Medium 46.4% 0.071
171 Excel Sheet Column Number Easy 49.7% 0.037
11 Container With Most Water Medium 38.9% 0.013
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum Hard 28.0% 0.033
46 Permutations Medium 50.1% 0.008
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 0.071
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Medium 44.7% 0.017
15 3Sum Medium 22.1% 0.04
105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Medium 36.7% 0.012
49 Group Anagrams Medium 41.3% 0.071
210 Course Schedule II Medium 31.7% 0.019
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard 23.9% 0.056
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.019
252 Meeting Rooms Easy 49.8% 0.026
78 Subsets Medium 47.8% 0.008
151 Reverse Words in a String Medium 15.7% 0.247
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Easy 41.3% 0.078
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Medium 32.0% 0.036
329 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix Hard 37.8% 0.03
165 Compare Version Numbers Medium 21.6% 0.187
117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II Medium 33.5% 0.043
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.114
722 Remove Comments Medium 29.0% 0.05
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy 44.4% 0.012
204 Count Primes Easy 27.1% 0.028
25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Hard 33.3% 0.301
36 Valid Sudoku Medium 39.5% 0.013
71 Simplify Path Medium 27.1% 0.028
623 Add One Row to Tree Medium 46.3% 0.124
160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists Easy 30.7% 0.078
784 Letter Case Permutation Easy 53.4% 0.03
10 Regular Expression Matching Hard 24.4% 0.22
642 Design Search Autocomplete System Hard 31.8% 0.14
234 Palindrome Linked List Easy 34.2% 0.04
139 Word Break Medium 32.6% 0.099
134 Gas Station Medium 31.3% 0.051
240 Search a 2D Matrix II Medium 39.4% 0.034
348 Design Tic-Tac-Toe Medium 46.9% 0.446
191 Number of 1 Bits Easy 40.9% 0.015
237 Delete Node in a Linked List Easy 49.3% 0.011
50 Pow(x, n) Medium 26.6% 0.009
287 Find the Duplicate Number Medium 46.0% 0.047
242 Valid Anagram Easy 48.9% 0.01
322 Coin Change Medium 27.3% 0.027
785 Is Graph Bipartite? Medium 39.9% 0.026
92 Reverse Linked List II Medium 32.5% 0.146
66 Plus One Easy 40.0% 0.006
186 Reverse Words in a String II Medium 33.5% 0.076
535 Encode and Decode TinyURL Medium 74.3% 0.025
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 41.6% 0.011
125 Valid Palindrome Easy 28.5% 0.008
98 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium 24.4% 0.025
44 Wildcard Matching Hard 21.6% 0.043
37 Sudoku Solver Hard 33.5% 0.033
141 Linked List Cycle Easy 34.6% 0.015
48 Rotate Image Medium 44.1% 0.128
280 Wiggle Sort Medium 59.4% 0.071
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard 36.7% 0.014
106 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal Medium 35.8% 0.021
347 Top K Frequent Elements Medium 51.0% 0.011
295 Find Median from Data Stream Hard 31.7% 0.023
140 Word Break II Hard 25.4% 0.02
285 Inorder Successor in BST Medium 33.9% 0.024
669 Trim a Binary Search Tree Easy 58.5% 0.09
64 Minimum Path Sum Medium 43.0% 0.026
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator Medium 44.6% 0.03
215 Kth Largest Element in an Array Medium 42.9% 0.008
223 Rectangle Area Medium 34.6% 0.105
344 Reverse String Easy 61.5% 0.052
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence Medium 39.3% 0.011
208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) Medium 33.6% 0.092
61 Rotate List Medium 25.4% 0.065
81 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II Medium 32.4% 0.039
69 Sqrt(x) Easy 29.5% 0.008
523 Continuous Subarray Sum Medium 23.5% 0.029
189 Rotate Array Easy 26.9% 0.035
304 Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable Medium 28.9% 0.032
167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted Easy 47.6% 0.01
384 Shuffle an Array Medium 48.1% 0.058
31 Next Permutation Medium 29.3% 0.044
417 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow Medium 35.3% 0.054
73 Set Matrix Zeroes Medium 37.6% 0.032
9 Palindrome Number Easy 38.5% 0.011
518 Coin Change 2 Medium 38.0% 0.028
836 Rectangle Overlap Easy 43.7% 0.069
86 Partition List Medium 34.8% 0.023
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Easy 37.9% 0.005
227 Basic Calculator II Medium 31.1% 0.022
683 K Empty Slots Hard 33.4% 0.031
314 Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal Medium 38.7% 0.075
118 Pascal's Triangle Easy 42.1% 0.013
85 Maximal Rectangle Hard 30.8% 0.064
93 Restore IP Addresses Medium 29.4% 0.059
228 Summary Ranges Medium 33.6% 0.03
143 Reorder List Medium 28.1% 0.022
387 First Unique Character in a String Easy 47.6% 0.017
174 Dungeon Game Hard 25.2% 0.052
543 Diameter of Binary Tree Easy 45.2% 0.012
107 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II Easy 43.8% 0.016
394 Decode String Medium 42.2% 0.02

Morgan Stanley

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.002
141 Linked List Cycle Easy 34.6% 0.007
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Easy 44.4% 0.005
268 Missing Number Easy 46.1% 0.01

National Instruments

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
880 Decoded String at Index Medium 22.0% 0


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.003
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard 23.9% 0.006
72 Edit Distance Hard 34.2% 0.016
7 Reverse Integer Easy 24.4% 0.003


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
76 Minimum Window Substring Hard 28.2% 0.01


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
443 String Compression Easy 35.8% 0.024
172 Factorial Trailing Zeroes Easy 37.0% 0.022
402 Remove K Digits Medium 25.6% 0.026


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
206 Reverse Linked List Easy 49.5% 0.005
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.009


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.036
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard 36.7% 0.014
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 0.006
139 Word Break Medium 32.6% 0.008
73 Set Matrix Zeroes Medium 37.6% 0.032
189 Rotate Array Easy 26.9% 0.009
127 Word Ladder Medium 21.1% 0.027
403 Frog Jump Hard 33.6% 0.071
362 Design Hit Counter Medium 56.1% 0.059
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator Medium 44.6% 0.03
253 Meeting Rooms II Medium 40.1% 0.013
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard 30.3% 0.007
14 Longest Common Prefix Easy 32.0% 0.006
394 Decode String Medium 42.2% 0.02
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.003

Palantir Technologies

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
56 Merge Intervals Medium 33.1% 0.834
539 Minimum Time Difference Medium 46.4% 0.631
393 UTF-8 Validation Medium 34.9% 0.752


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
206 Reverse Linked List Easy 49.5% 0.005
151 Reverse Words in a String Medium 15.7% 0.011
237 Delete Node in a Linked List Easy 49.3% 0.011
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard 30.3% 0.007
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.012
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.02
273 Integer to English Words Hard 23.1% 0.019
139 Word Break Medium 32.6% 0.008
15 3Sum Medium 22.1% 0.005
25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Hard 33.3% 0.017


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
277 Find the Celebrity Medium 35.2% 0.106
269 Alien Dictionary Hard 27.6% 0.032
460 LFU Cache Hard 26.2% 0.045
224 Basic Calculator Hard 29.9% 0.152
759 Employee Free Time Hard 54.1% 0.429
36 Valid Sudoku Medium 39.5% 0.03
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.009

Pocket Gems

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
740 Delete and Earn Medium 44.3% 0.059
133 Clone Graph Medium 25.1% 0.035
697 Degree of an Array Easy 47.4% 0.035


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
148 Sort List Medium 31.8% 0.021


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
655 Print Binary Tree Medium 49.1% 0

Pure Storage

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
593 Valid Square Medium 39.9% 0.218
150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Medium 29.8% 0.019
647 Palindromic Substrings Medium 54.5% 0.066
203 Remove Linked List Elements Easy 34.2% 0.2


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.003


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.004


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 0.006
98 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium 24.4% 0.006
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator Medium 44.6% 0.014


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
740 Delete and Earn Medium 44.3% 0.128
855 Exam Room Medium 31.3% 0.094


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard 36.7% 0.014
855 Exam Room Medium 31.3% 0.479
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.003


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
473 Matchsticks to Square Medium 35.2% 0


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.001


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
628 Maximum Product of Three Numbers Easy 44.8% 0.03

Riot Games

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.004


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
811 Subdomain Visit Count Easy 61.2% 0.029
224 Basic Calculator Hard 29.9% 0.093


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
166 Fraction to Recurring Decimal Medium 18.5% 0.032
31 Next Permutation Medium 29.3% 0.011


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
227 Basic Calculator II Medium 31.1% 0.022
740 Delete and Earn Medium 44.3% 0.058
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.009
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 41.6% 0.011
213 House Robber II Medium 34.7% 0.023
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence Medium 39.3% 0.011
384 Shuffle an Array Medium 48.1% 0.026


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
312 Burst Balloons Hard 44.5% 0.667
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.002
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.009
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 32.1% 0.007
572 Subtree of Another Tree Easy 40.3% 0.018


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
283 Move Zeroes Easy 52.4% 0.022
12 Integer to Roman Medium 47.7% 0.012
559 Maximum Depth of N-ary Tree Easy 61.1% 0.015


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
653 Two Sum IV - Input is a BST Easy 50.7% 0.02
151 Reverse Words in a String Medium 15.7% 0.011
205 Isomorphic Strings Easy 35.5% 0.013
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.004
19 Remove Nth Node From End of List Medium 33.6% 0.007


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.005
136 Single Number Easy 57.0% 0.005
141 Linked List Cycle Easy 34.6% 0.005
209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum Medium 33.2% 0.013


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
139 Word Break Medium 32.6% 0.008
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.009
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array Medium 32.1% 0.007
68 Text Justification Hard 21.0% 0.041
273 Integer to English Words Hard 23.1% 0.019


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
68 Text Justification Hard 21.0% 0.041
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium 38.2% 0.007
289 Game of Life Medium 39.6% 0.048
98 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium 24.4% 0.006
72 Edit Distance Hard 34.2% 0.017
415 Add Strings Easy 42.1% 0.024
15 3Sum Medium 22.1% 0.005


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.007
5 Longest Palindromic Substring Medium 25.6% 0.01


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium 38.2% 0.006


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.003
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Medium 32.0% 0.009


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.01
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.019
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 43.2% 0.011
141 Linked List Cycle Easy 34.6% 0.027
343 Integer Break Medium 46.7% 0.041
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Medium 38.5% 0.011
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Easy 41.3% 0.013
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard 23.9% 0.025
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard 30.3% 0.029
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Medium 32.0% 0.021
215 Kth Largest Element in an Array Medium 42.9% 0.018
9 Palindrome Number Easy 38.5% 0.005
240 Search a 2D Matrix II Medium 39.4% 0.034
206 Reverse Linked List Easy 49.5% 0.005
344 Reverse String Easy 61.5% 0.006


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard 30.3% 0.006


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
98 Validate Binary Search Tree Medium 24.4% 0.006


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
712 Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings Medium 51.9% 0.322
230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST Medium 47.5% 0.013


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.025
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.036


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
433 Minimum Genetic Mutation Medium 35.9% 0.202
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.016
679 24 Game Hard 39.2% 0.193
341 Flatten Nested List Iterator Medium 44.4% 0.043
234 Palindrome Linked List Easy 34.2% 0.01
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.004
635 Design Log Storage System Medium 50.0% 0.386
74 Search a 2D Matrix Medium 34.4% 0.015
706 Design HashMap Easy 44.4% 0.037

Two Sigma

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.036
547 Friend Circles Medium 50.1% 1.524
206 Reverse Linked List Easy 49.5% 0.005
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.004
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard 23.9% 0.006
123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III Hard 31.5% 0.023
50 Pow(x, n) Medium 26.6% 0.009
53 Maximum Subarray Easy 41.3% 0.044


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
49 Group Anagrams Medium 41.3% 0.05
23 Merge k Sorted Lists Hard 30.3% 0.016
224 Basic Calculator Hard 29.9% 0.026
767 Reorganize String Medium 38.8% 0.031
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.02
341 Flatten Nested List Iterator Medium 44.4% 0.02
305 Number of Islands II Hard 40.2% 0.173
289 Game of Life Medium 39.6% 0.048
22 Generate Parentheses Medium 50.2% 0.018
652 Find Duplicate Subtrees Medium 40.2% 0.077
253 Meeting Rooms II Medium 40.1% 0.013
642 Design Search Autocomplete System Hard 31.8% 0.065
636 Exclusive Time of Functions Medium 45.4% 0.184
227 Basic Calculator II Medium 31.1% 0.022
68 Text Justification Hard 21.0% 0.041
55 Jump Game Medium 30.2% 0.011
76 Minimum Window Substring Hard 28.2% 0.012
158 Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times Hard 24.3% 0.038
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.17
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 0.259
139 Word Break Medium 32.6% 0.099
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Medium 38.2% 0.015
36 Valid Sudoku Medium 39.5% 0.03
207 Course Schedule Medium 34.9% 0.013
7 Reverse Integer Easy 24.4% 0.003
42 Trapping Rain Water Hard 39.2% 0.009
267 Palindrome Permutation II Medium 32.4% 0.094
79 Word Search Medium 29.0% 0.024
353 Design Snake Game Medium 28.1% 0.101
329 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix Hard 37.8% 0.03
354 Russian Doll Envelopes Hard 32.8% 0.124
135 Candy Hard 26.2% 0.036
56 Merge Intervals Medium 33.1% 0.084
621 Task Scheduler Medium 42.8% 0.018
655 Print Binary Tree Medium 49.1% 0.083
359 Logger Rate Limiter Easy 61.9% 0.042
166 Fraction to Recurring Decimal Medium 18.5% 0.259
266 Palindrome Permutation Easy 58.6% 0.048
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.004
212 Word Search II Hard 25.9% 0.093
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence Hard 39.4% 0.033
155 Min Stack Easy 33.2% 0.009
53 Maximum Subarray Easy 41.3% 0.011
37 Sudoku Solver Hard 33.5% 0.033
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal Medium 38.5% 0.025
189 Rotate Array Easy 26.9% 0.009
698 Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets Medium 38.7% 0.038
126 Word Ladder II Hard 15.7% 0.026
528 Random Pick with Weight Medium 41.9% 0.06
535 Encode and Decode TinyURL Medium 74.3% 0.025
226 Invert Binary Tree Easy 55.1% 0.01


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.004


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.004


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence Medium 39.3% 0.011
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.004
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard 23.9% 0.006
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree Hard 36.7% 0.014
47 Permutations II Medium 36.9% 0.013
92 Reverse Linked List II Medium 32.5% 0.017
468 Validate IP Address Medium 20.5% 0.055

Walmart Labs

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
344 Reverse String Easy 61.5% 0.013
230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST Medium 47.5% 0.013
214 Shortest Palindrome Hard 25.9% 0.042
283 Move Zeroes Easy 52.4% 0.023
198 House Robber Easy 40.4% 0.008
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.003
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard 23.9% 0.006
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Easy 43.2% 0.011
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Easy 37.9% 0.005
46 Permutations Medium 50.1% 0.008
70 Climbing Stairs Easy 42.1% 0.015
206 Reverse Linked List Easy 49.5% 0.005


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.02
42 Trapping Rain Water Hard 39.2% 0.008
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence Medium 39.3% 0.01

Works Applications

# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.003
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.006
486 Predict the Winner Medium 45.6% 0.033


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.015
49 Group Anagrams Medium 41.3% 0.008
347 Top K Frequent Elements Medium 51.0% 0.041
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.009
387 First Unique Character in a String Easy 47.6% 0.008
75 Sort Colors Medium 40.0% 0.011
139 Word Break Medium 32.6% 0.008
141 Linked List Cycle Easy 34.6% 0.007


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
206 Reverse Linked List Easy 49.5% 0.005
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.003


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
200 Number of Islands Medium 38.0% 0.006
139 Word Break Medium 32.6% 0.008
49 Group Anagrams Medium 41.3% 0.032
599 Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists Easy 46.5% 0.575
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.012
273 Integer to English Words Hard 23.1% 0.113
152 Maximum Product Subarray Medium 27.5% 0.012
564 Find the Closest Palindrome Hard 17.0% 0.723
10 Regular Expression Matching Hard 24.4% 0.01
332 Reconstruct Itinerary Medium 30.0% 0.039
56 Merge Intervals Medium 33.1% 0.028
126 Word Ladder II Hard 15.7% 0.026
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Medium 40.6% 0.019
238 Product of Array Except Self Medium 51.7% 0.021


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Easy 49.2% 0.007
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.006
557 Reverse Words in a String III Easy 61.6% 0
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.006


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.004
56 Merge Intervals Medium 33.1% 0.007
238 Product of Array Except Self Medium 51.7% 0.021


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
54 Spiral Matrix Medium 28.2% 0.01
79 Word Search Medium 29.0% 0.011
151 Reverse Words in a String Medium 15.7% 0.011
139 Word Break Medium 32.6% 0.019
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Medium 32.0% 0.009
49 Group Anagrams Medium 41.3% 0.008
146 LRU Cache Hard 21.4% 0.02
43 Multiply Strings Medium 28.7% 0.015
449 Serialize and Deserialize BST Medium 43.4% 0.037


# Title Difficulty Acceptance Frequency
1 Two Sum Easy 38.9% 0.028
20 Valid Parentheses Easy 34.6% 0.003
2 Add Two Numbers Medium 29.2% 0.006
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Medium 25.0% 0.011
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Hard 23.9% 0.012
11 Container With Most Water Medium 38.9% 0.005
139 Word Break Medium 32.6% 0.007
142 Linked List Cycle II Medium 30.0% 0.012
206 Reverse Linked List Easy 49.5% 0.01
412 Fizz Buzz Easy 58.0% 0.009


Collection of LeetCode questions asked in Computer Science interviews (Categorized by Company Name)






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