Description • Key Features • Download and Install
EC2 Inspector is a monitoring and forensic analysis tool. With this tool you will be able to extract data from your EC2 instances, monitor them and export this information with graphics, JSON, Excel, CSV... You will be able to create users and give permissions to use different AWS profiles created on the system, and these users could extract data from a comfortable graphical interface. You don't need to share your credentials to other users for inspect a cloud environment
- Create users and allow to use AWS profiles in system
- Protect users access with Captcha and 2FA
- Generate and export graphics about EC2 instances data in a region
- Collect and export general data from EC2 instances, as for example:
- General data: instance type, image id, status, launch time...
- Security Groups: group name, inbound rules, outbound rules...
- Network: IP addresses, network interfaces, VPC data, subnet data...
- Storage: Data from block device mappings
- Tags
- Send commands to EC2 Instances (Linux instances only) and extract data of:
- Users connected currently
- Current connections
- Packages installed in the system
- Services details
- Processes data
- Monitor EC2 Instances (Linux instances only):
- Get data in real time of CPU, RAM, connections, login failed access and I/O reads/writes per process
- Get notified when:
- CPU/RAM reach to 90% of use
- An user connect/disconnect
- A group/user is added, deleted or modified
- Something is being mounted/unmounted
- It's detected a lot of failed login access from the same IP address
- A service state changes, or when a new services is detected or a services is not detected anymore
- Export data and history from monitored EC2 Instances
To clone this tool, you'll need Git installed. From your command line:
sudo su
git clone
cd ec2-inspector
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requeriments.txt
gunicorn -w 12 --preload -b run:app
For create AWS profile, you'll need awscli or create manually the configuration files. Generate an access keys for IAM users
aws configure --profile developer
AWS Access Key ID [None]:
AWS Secret Access Key [None]:
Default region name [None]:
Default output format [None]: