command line script to interact with volkswagencarnet library
The volkswagencarnet library retrieves statistics about your Volkswagen car from the Volkswagen Carnet online service. Also some actions can be requested via this library. This simple python script allows to use the library via command line and parameters list. In that way it can be used in an easy way e.g. in nodered with the exec node.
- Just install the volkswagencarnet library
- copy/download the script and put it whereever you want to use it from the command line
- edit the credentials (user email, user password, SPIN) for your myvolkswagen account in the script
start from command line:
python3 <vin> <action> <action parameters>
python3 <vin> update
python3 <vin> setrefresh
python3 <vin> setcharger <start/stop>
python3 <vin> setchargercurrent <#ampere>
python3 <vin> setclimatisationtemp <#temperature>
python3 <vin> setclimatisation <electric/auxiliary> <#temperature> <true/false>
python3 <vin> setwindowheating <start/stop>
python3 <vin> setlock <lock/unlock>"
(vin: Vehicle ID, true: without external power; false: with charging cable only)
All output data are printed out in json format
Currently the following actions are implemented:
- update - get all available data of the car identified by the VIN (from VW backend only)
- setrefresh - force the vehicle data update directly from the car
- setcharger - start or stop charging
- setchargercurrent - set the chargingcurrent
- setclimatisationtemp - set the targettemperature for climatisation
- setclimatisation - start or stop climatisation (for auxiliary heater SPIN needed)
- setwindowheating - start or stop the window heating
- setlock - lock or unlock your car (only when activated, SPIN needed)
In addition to the volkswagencarnet library the script gets the newest longtermtripstatistics.
of course you have to do something in nodered to get such a dashboard ;-)
- This project was inspired by volkswagencarnet library
- Many thanks to robinostlund and all people that contribute to the library
It was developed to use the volkswagencarnet library in nodered. All basic (from my point of view) functions are implemented. However I have tested it only with an eGolf. Feel free to use it or improve it for combustion cars or other functionalities available in the volkswagencarnet library. No licence, public domain, no guarantees.