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- Kamalapuram,Kadapa,Andhrapradesh-516289, India
- https://twitter.com/Lakshmi85086896
- @Lakshmideepak
Send messages to any person in any time how much you want.
This is multiFunctional Advanced KeyLogger using Python which includes keyTracing , Getting Clipboard data, Getting Screenshot, Getting Systeminfo and encrpts the files using Cryptography
Send messages to any person in any time how much you want.
Whatsapp Bot Multi Device - Node Js - Internationalization
This is an python wrapper !!! made by Lakshmi deepak This wrapper uses for birthday wishes to your friend in a different way using python. Firstly, what you have to do is? You have to install the r…
🎈🎁 Wish your loved one a warm Happy Birthday in a pythonic way inside a terminal.
addition and multiplication of sin wave
addition and multiplication of sin waves