Planning Poker is a collaborative estimation technique used by agile teams to collectively estimate the effort required for a set of tasks. This open-source project provides a digital implementation of Planning Poker, allowing teams to streamline their estimation process.
- User-friendly interface for team members to participate in the estimation process.
- throw paper balls and emojis at other players
- shake the screen of other players
- creating and managing estimation sessions.
- estimation plot
- Real-time updates to ensure all team members are on the same page.
- dockerized
- free for everyone
- no ads
- Docker
git clone
cd backend
npm install
npm run start
- open new Terminal for trontend
cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev
- open your browser and go to
git clone
- change the .env File to your needs explained below
docker compose up -d
git clone
cp .env.example .env
- change the .env File to your needs explained below
docker compose up -d
git clone
cp .env.example.traefik .env
- change the .env File to your needs explained below
docker compose -f traefik.docker-compose.yml up -d
DOMAIN=YOURDOMAIN -> needs to be changed to your domain
PRODUCTION=true -> should stay on true
PROTOCOL=http -> important for backend url in frontend
BACKEND_PORT=8080 -> port of the backend
TRAEFIK=false -> append an /api to route over the same domain (in frontend)
TRAEFIK_CERT_RESOLVER=HttpsResolver -> needs to be changed to traefik your cert resolver
TRAEFIK_ENTRYPOINT=Https -> name of your traefik entrypoint
TRAEFIK_NETWORK=traefiknetwork -> name of your traefik network
TRAEFIK_ROUTER=PlanningPokerRouter -> the name of the traefik router (needs to be unique to other traefik services)
CONTAINER_NAME=planning-poker -> name of docker the container
IMAGE_NAME=planningpoker -> name of the docker image
The application is currently only available in German. Maybe some day i will translate it.