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🍝 nixos

my public nixos configuration, system specific configs for...

machine cpu gpu use case
serv 9900k igpu file server & container host
erying 1370p es igpu container host
laptop 4800hs gtx1650 | igpu main machine, general purpose
notebook n3700 igpu 3d printer
desktop 13900kf rtx3070 gaming

what and why?

these configs are both practical and a learning experience

configs assume a single user, home-manager options don't have any applicable configs for multiple users

configurations cover my daily drivers, multiple headless machines and repurposed hardware

there are configurations for multiple lan services (home assistant, adguard and many more) running in podman / nspawn containers along with some internet facing services (ghost, plex, jellyfin and so on)

i've taken snippits of code from all over the web (added links where i remembered to... sorry!), written much of my own and want to contribute my configs hoping they will help others.

comments are included in many modules, some simple, some chicken-scratch from me figuring things out. configurations may not be optimal in some areas but (most) are working currently

my configs are in flux, readme won't be upto date in places GLHF!


take a peek


see standard.nix or headless.nix for base packages

in addition any of the hosts default.nix for additional packages with configuration. modules are having options (slowly) added, see /home/hypr/default.nix


have a gander at the readme


programs in /home home/pkgname have bindings, themes and exec at boot where applicable. add / remove in hosts/hostname/default.nix FIXME these are changing as per above

some hypr keybind conflicts will apply if you are using multiple applications for the same purpose (wofi / ulauncher for example) I'll eventually add some options to (hopefully) avoid this.


clone this repository to your ~/ and not /etc/nixos

my configs are be portable to default /etc/nixos configs however some tweaks would be required

cd ~ && git clone

copy contents of your /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix and replace the contents of a hosts hardware.nix of which you plan to use

open the root flake.nix, change the user = "kel"; line to your own username, this will change all home-manager and nixos config files

run sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake /home/username/nixos#hostname --show-trace while changing username and hostname to what you have configured


things may / will fail, i'm happy to helpout when my time permits. raise an issue on codeberg - github is my mirror currently


secrets won't work out the box, quick workaround would be replacing my ~/nixos/secrets.json with ~/secrets.example/example.secrets.json


will complain about files in the way in your .config, delete the files home-manager listed and run another rebuild TODO script to delete dirs on first rebuild