One piece of my output looks as follows:
ptg000006l LiftOn gene 86505371 86507566 . - . ID=g31624;source=Liftoff
ptg000006l LiftOn transcript 86505371 86507566 . - . ID=g31624.t1;Parent=g31624;mutation=frameshift,stop_codon_gain;protein_identity=0.718;dna_identity=0.652;status=LiftOn_chaining_algorithm
ptg000006l LiftOn exon 86505371 86505373 . - . ID=exon_138261;Parent=g31624.t1
ptg000006l LiftOn exon 86505371 86505373 . - . ID=exon_138261;Parent=g31624.t1
ptg000006l LiftOn exon 86506533 86507566 . - . ID=exon_138262;Parent=g31624.t1
ptg000006l LiftOn exon 86506650 86507566 . - . ID=exon_138263;Parent=g31624.t1
ptg000006l LiftOn CDS 86507413 86507566 1636 - 1 Parent=g31624.t1
ptg000006l LiftOn CDS 86506650 86507566 . - 0 Parent=g31624.t1
This does not look right (duplicate exons, overlapping CDSs), and it causes gffread to crash when attempting to extract protein sequences. I ran the following command:
lifton \
-g $GFF \
-o sample.lifton.gff3 \
-copies \
--threads 10 \
using LiftOn v1.0.5. Unfortunately I can't currently share my input data.
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