A collection of JS and node.js exercises to learn and test yourself.
New exercises are added daily. Perfect for beginners, intermediates, experts and programmers that want to test themselves and learn or remember something they forgot.
Everyone is welcomed!😄
For beginners, I recommend using free online JS editors/compilers like programiz and onecompiler.
Other more complex web IDEs are replit, glitch and codesandbox
Of course you can also use the almighty visual studio code or atom and other IDEs.
If you don't understand something or you have a question, contact me on Discord(Krix#7143). I will be happy to help.⭐
Of course, every contribution is welcomed! Make a pull request and I will review your exercises and push it.
You will be listed under Contributors page.
Most common source of exercises is currenly: https://edabit.com/challenges/javascript
If the exercise is taken from other source, it will be linked on the bottom of Exercise.md
If I designed the exercise, the source will be linked as "Me"
All solution codes are coded by me. If you find any bugs or styling issues, open a pull request.
If you like this, give it a star, so more people can see it.
Practice makes perfect