This repository contains the solutions to the practicals of the course Analysis and Design of Algorithms (3150703) at SCET, Surat.
Sort the given array using bubble sort and apply binary search on it.
Sort the given array using Selection sort
Sort the given array using Insertion sort
Fractional Knapsack Problem using greedy technique
Dijkstra’s algorithm for finding shortest path
Linear Time Sort :Bucket Sort
Linear Time Sort :Counting Sort
Heap sort
Making Change Problem using Dynamic programming technique
0/1 Knapsack Problem using Dynamic programming technique
Floyd’s algorithm for finding shortest path
Merge sort using Divide – and - Conquer approach
Quick sort using Divide – and - Conquer approach.
Assembly line scheduling problem using Dynamic programming
Chain Matrix Multiplication problem
Implement LCS problem
Implementation of Graph and Searching (DFS and BFS.
Four queen problem using backtracking
Knapsack Problem using branch and bound technique
String Matching using Rabin-Karp Algorithm
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Change directory to the practical you want to run
cd Analysis-And-Design-Of-Algorithms-Practicals
- Run the program
javac <filename>.java
java <filename>