MalNews Public
A place to stay up to date with cyber-security news and become aware of online threats
JavaScript UpdatedJan 19, 2023 -
ISTE_Convention Public
A static website for 19th ISTE National Students’ Convention
TTHPL Public
A Python Flask based website for Talent Treasure Hunt Pvt. Ltd. in material design which handles their activities and contains interactive profiles for enrolled students and schools.
OnlineMarketplaceAPI Public
A Ruby on Rails based API service which can handle operations of an online marketplace
Jive Public
A Java IDE which can serve as a better learning tool for beginners as compared to current IDEs
TorontoWasteWizardLookup Public
A web app to search for waste items using the Toronto Waste Wizard database
JavaScript UpdatedJan 17, 2019 -
MedicalManagementSystem Public
A Java NetBeans based Medical Management System
PptxGenJS Public
Forked from gitbrent/PptxGenJSJavaScript library that creates PowerPoint (pptx) presentations
TaskManager Public
A node based api to add, edit, view and delete tasks
JavaScript UpdatedDec 14, 2017 -
Synergy_WebDev_Workshop Public
This website was made to use as a reference in teaching Web Development in a workshop
JavaScript UpdatedJan 12, 2017 -
ISTE-Website Public
This project aims at making a website for Indian Society for Technical Education, which displays various activities done by the chapter.
AlarmClock Public
This project is a clock application that displays time and sets up alarm and timer using js
JavaScript UpdatedDec 22, 2016 -
Collage_Maker Public
This project is an app that enables users to make collages and save them in their gallery
Java UpdatedJul 5, 2016 -
UE_Maze Public
This project is a web portal to conduct an innovative online quiz based on different branches of Engineering
PHP UpdatedJul 5, 2016 -
UltimateEngineer Public
This project is a web portal to conduct an online quiz based on Indian Intermediate Education
PHP UpdatedJul 5, 2016 -
Websectra Public
This website is a blog created to teach basics of Web designing to students of VIT in a Summit.