yolact_edge Public
Forked from WisconsinAIVision/yolact_edgeThe first competitive instance segmentation approach that runs on small edge devices at real-time speeds.
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 7, 2022 -
Install-OpenCV-Jetson-Nano Public
Forked from Qengineering/Install-OpenCV-Jetson-NanoOpenCV installation script with CUDA and cuDNN support
Shell BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 31, 2021 -
yolact Public
Forked from dbolya/yolactA simple, fully convolutional model for real-time instance segmentation.
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 17, 2021 -
imutils Public
Forked from PyImageSearch/imutilsA series of convenience functions to make basic image processing operations such as translation, rotation, resizing, skeletonization, and displaying Matplotlib images easier with OpenCV and Python.
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 3, 2020 -
tank_classification Public
Here were chossen 4 types of tanks: T-72 (Russia), Chieftain (Great Britain) Leclerc (France) Type-99 (China) collected about 1000 images and using TL with InceptionV3 trained model to classify the…
tank_detection Public
Model was trained on Darknet with custom dataset (my own dataset with labeled tanks) in Google Colab. After that using best weights the model was tested on unseen images and videos on my laptop.
classification_of_dog_breeds Public
Multiclassification of dog breeds by image using google colab
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 27, 2020 -
start-here-guidelines Public
Forked from zero-to-mastery/start-here-guidelinesLets Git started in the world of opensource, starting in the Zero To Mastery's opensource playground. Especially designed for education and practical experience purposes.
UpdatedAug 18, 2020