Watch Data Gathering is a project that receives a real-time data from users then ingest them to Spark through Kafka. We Use Spark Stream API to process and store data and Spark for later batch
processing and then is visualized by a spring boot application (which is still in progress)
Here is the architecture for the project
The project runs with these tools:
- JDK - 1.8
- Maven - 3.3.9
- ZooKeeper - 3.4.8
- Kafka (2.11-1.0.2)
- HBase - 1.4.8
- Spark - 2.7.1 Pre-built for Hadoop 2.7.2
It runs on the following Docker Image which already contains Hadoop, Spark and HBase
Watch Producer is a Maven Composed Project that contains three projects:
- Watch Producer
- Watch Processor
- Watch Batch Processor
JDK 1.8 and Maven are required to build this project. Docker is also needed to download the image and build the containers.
And then to create the docker container, use the following command
# Downloading the image
docker pull liliasfaxi/spark-hadoop
# Creating the network
docker network create --driver=bridge hadoop
# Running the containers
docker run -itd --net=hadoop -p 50070:50070 -p 8088:8088 -p 7077:7077 -p 16010:16010 --name hadoop-master --hostname hadoop-master liliasfaxi/spark-hadoop:hv-2.7.2
docker run -itd -p 8040:8042 --net=hadoop --name hadoop-slave1 --hostname hadoop-slave1 liliasfaxi/spark-hadoop:hv-2.7.2
docker run -itd -p 8041:8042 --net=hadoop --name hadoop-slave2 --hostname hadoop-slave2 liliasfaxi/spark-hadoop:hv-2.7.2
To start the containers later on, use this command:
docker start hadoop-master
docker start hadoop-slave1
docker start hadoop-slave2
Now we need to set up the container by running Kafka, Zookeeper, HBase and Hadoop
First of all, run this command to open bash in the master container
docker exec -it hadoop-master bash
Now, we need to run these commands one by one to make sure it works!
cp -r $HBASE_HOME/lib/* $SPARK_HOME/jars --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic watch-data-event
To verify if each process is running, just run this command
It should give the following result
Now to set up the HBase, we need to create the needed tables.
To start Hbase, run:
hbase shell
and then run
create 'view','watchDetails','watchedEpisode','userDetails'
create 'total_traffic','data'
create 'window_traffic','data'
create 'batch','data'
- View: Stores every view details
- Total_traffic: Stores the number of watchers per show
- UserWatchCounter: Stores the numeber of watcher per show in a windowed duration
- Batch: Calculates the number of views per show
Now we need to build the project.
Use below command to build all projects.
mvn package
And then execute the following commands to copy the jar files into the container
docker cp .\WatchProcessor\target\watch-spark-processor-1.0.0.jar hadoop-master:/root/sparkStreaming.jar
docker cp .\WatchProducer\target\watch-kafka-producer-1.0.0.jar hadoop-master:root/kafka.jar
docker cp .\WatchBatchProcessor\target\watch-spark-batch-processor-1.0.0.jar hadoop-master:/root/sparkBatch.jar
Now to run the project open three bash in hadoop-master container with the following command
docker exec -it hadoop-master bash
And in each container run the following commands:
java -jar kafka.jar
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client --class "" sparkStreaming.jar
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode client --class "" sparkBatch.jar