Teensy supports now multiple serial ports per device. (Here the corresponding pull request. PaulStoffregen/cores#438). This, of course is a great feature if you need to debug something which uses the normal Serial port for communication with the PC. As can be expected, the current tytools don't support this yet.
I tried it with the following sketch:
void setup()
void loop()
Serial.printf("Serial %d\r\n", millis());
SerialA.printf("SerialA %d\r\n", millis()); // Second Port
Which works nicely. Both ports appear in Win10 and can be connected to with putty. However tytools gets confused. It does show the new ports in the info screen as shown below:
COM11 was the original port (not existing anymore) COM 29 and 30 are the two new ones.
But, unfortunately, reprogramming doesn't work. It looks like it looses the Teensy after programming. Probably it doesn't expect changed Ports Numbers?
Here a HEX file with the sketch from above in case you want to give it a quick try. Would love if tytools could support this.