A sentiment analysis application using a custom-built Transformer model. This project processes IMDB movie reviews to classify them as positive or negative, leveraging TensorFlow and Keras for deep…
DeepQLearning-CartPole Public
This repository implements a Deep Q-Learning algorithm to train an agent to balance a pole on a cart using the CartPole-v1 environment from Gymnasium. The project includes a TensorFlow-based neural…
resnet-hyperparameter-tuning Public
A project for building and hyperparameter tuning a ResNet model using Fashion MNIST data with KerasTuner.
A deep learning project for classifying pharmaceutical drugs and vitamins using MobileNetV2. Includes data preprocessing, training, evaluation, and visualization. Dataset: Pharmaceutical Drugs and …
fashion-mnist-autoencoder Public
Autoencoder for Fashion MNIST: Image Compression and Reconstruction with TensorFlow/Keras, including SSIM-based evaluation.
discord-bot Public
A feature-rich Discord bot built using Python.
selenium-scripts Public
A collection of various Selenium automation scripts for web scraping, testing, and other browser automation tasks.
react-todo-app Public
A simple Todo List application built with React.
weather-app Public
Weather app built with vanilla Js using OpenWeather API.
image-manipulation-api Public
Image manipulation API built using GoFiber and nfnt/resize for resizing and cropping images. The API allows you to resize or crop an image by specifying the dimensions and the image URL.
react-color-picker Public
A simple and interactive color picker application built with React.
ani-cli Public
This is a command-line interface (CLI) application for anime enthusiasts that allows users to explore anime suggestions, information, episodes, and streaming options.
Platformer Public
It's been a while since i made a project in godot so i decided to make a platformer following Brackeys tutorial to refresh my knowledge.
rust-http-server-template Public
Rust http server template using the standart library.
elysiajs-books-api Public
Book store API created with ElysiaJs
password-generator Public
A basic CLI for generating random passwords.
poke-search Public archive
A pokedex app made with Vue using PokeAPI