Moes MS-108ZR - Inverted percentage in position #24597
What happened?
After updating to version 1.41.0 commit: cc31cea, the Moes MS-108ZR device has started to display the percentage in "Position" in reverse.
Now when the cover is open it shows a 0 and when it is closed it shows a 100. The button UP and Down works correctly.
Before the update it was the other way around. 0 when it is closed, 100 when it is open. This is how they are displayed in other models of cover controllers that I have.
What did you expect to happen?
when the cover is open shows a 100 and when it is closed it shows a 0.
How to reproduce it (minimal and precise)
Open and close the cover.
Zigbee2MQTT version
Adapter firmware version
Sonoff ZBDongle-P
Proxmox VE Zigbee2MQTT LXC
Debug log
No response